Funny Tweets to Tweet on Twitter: Make Your Followers LOL

Twitter is a hub for humor, where a clever, funny tweet can brighten someone's day and earn you retweets.

Let's explore some categories of the best funny tweets, complete with examples and a tool to craft your own.

Funny marriage tweets

Marriage is full of funny moments, both good and bad. So here are some funny tweets about marriage:

  • "Marriage is mostly just saying 'What?' from different rooms."
  • “Marriage is texting your partner from the other room to ask if they’ve seen the remote.”
  • “If my husband rearranges the dishwasher one more time, I’m calling a mediator.”
  • “If my wife leaves me, it’s probably because I keep rearranging the dishwasher.”
  • “Marriage is just taking turns asking, ‘What do you want for dinner?’ until one of you gives up.”
An example for funny marriage tweets
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Funny parent tweets

Parenting can feel like a never-ending comedy show. Plus, funny tweets from parents can be focused on specific parental roles:

  • "My daughter asked me to check under her bed for monsters. I found her missing sock, a half-eaten granola bar, and a civilization of dust bunnies. Mission accomplished?"
  • "Just survived another grocery shopping trip with a toddler. I deserve a medal…and a nap."
  • “Parenting is basically being asked for a snack while you’re cooking a meal.”
  • “I thought bedtime was for the kids, but it’s really for me.”
  • “Why do toddlers have the memory of an elephant when you promise them candy but forget your name when you call them to eat?”
An example for funny parent tweets
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Funny quotes to tweet

Here are some thought-provoking funny Twitter quotes you can share to brighten your followers' day:

  • "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." – Jim Carrey
  • "I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort." – Zach Galifianakis
  • "Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are." – Will Ferrell
  • "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer." – Douglas Adams
  • "My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We’ll see about that." – Stewart Francis
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Don't just go for plain text if you have some funny quotes to tweet. Try Circleboom's free Twitter quote maker and add a bit of visual creativity to your funny quote tweets!

Funny cat and dog tweets

Animals are Twitter gold, especially pets. So funny dog tweets or the ones for cats can easily be a constant source of entertainment and amusement:

  • “My dog stares at me when I eat because he’s convinced I’ll forget I just fed him.”
  • “Cats are just roommates that don’t pay rent and complain if dinner is late.”
  • "My cat just judged me for eating a salad. I think I need to reevaluate my life choices."
  • "My dog's tail wags so hard when I come home, I'm worried he's going to take off like a rocket."
  • “Every dog is a good boy, even when they’re destroying your favorite shoes.”
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Funny tweets about life

Life can be a rollercoaster, and sometimes, all you can do is laugh. These funny, relatable tweets capture the absurdity of everyday situations:

  • "That moment when you realize you've been talking for five minutes and no one's been listening."
  • “Why is it that when I’m 5 minutes early, nobody notices, but when I’m 1 minute late, it’s a crisis?”
  • “I love it when I finish a to-do list. Too bad it was yesterday’s.”
  • “Every time I think I’m on top of things, life sends me a plot twist.”
  • "My brain has too many tabs open. And they're all playing different music."
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Bonus: How to make funny tweets

Now it's time for me to teach you how to fish.

No need for all these "tips" to be funny, though. It's the age of AI, you know. So all you need is an AI powered funny tweet generator, and Circleboom is just here to help.

You can simply head towards Circleboom's funny tweet generator to craft the perfect funny tweet for your audience.

It gives you several starting points to choose from. So, the funny tweets shared in this article can be used as your starting point, as well as the real and highly engaging tweets from Twitter.

Plus, you can craft either a single tweet or go ahead and make a Twitter thread of funny tweets.

Final words: Funny tweets make Twitter laugh "with" you

From funny parenting tweets to relatable life observations, humor can make your Twitter feed the highlight of someone’s day.

Whether you’re crafting your own jokes or drawing inspiration from others, the key is authenticity. Share what makes you laugh, and the retweets will follow.

So, are you ready to be the funny tweeter everyone follows for a daily dose of laughter? Go ahead—your audience is waiting!

P.S. Here's another related post on funny tweets:

Be ready to laugh fit: Funniest Tweets of All Time
Humor can be one of the best tools for survival. We’ve made a list of the funniest Twitter accounts and funniest tweets of all time that would make you laughing fit.