Can You Make Real Money by Marketing on Twitter in 2025

Does Twitter marketing still work? Is it really possible to get sales by marketing on Twitter? In today’s challenging times with overdoes of information and cluttered social media feeds, it’s difficult to believe that Twitter can still convert.

The reality, however, seems to support the fact that businesses can still make money by marketing on Twitter. Here are some of the stats to support the point:

  • 41% of Twitter users have purchased a product after seeing an ad in the last 30 days.
  • 68% of Twitter users have followed a small business after seeing their promoted tweets.
  • Twitter ads have been proven to be 11% more effective than TV ads during live events.
  • 93% of Twitter users following a brand plans to purchase from them.

It’s indeed possible to make money or get sales by marketing on Twitter. How you do it greatly decides the results you get. Let’s look at some of the interesting ways to promote your products/services on Twitter so it can help you generate sales.

How can I check my fake, spam and inactive followers?
On July, 11th, Twitter announced that they would remove locked accounts fromfollower counts. And most of these accounts are fake, spam or inactivefollowers. > “Most people will see a change of four followers or fewer; others with largerfollower counts may experience a more significant drop, We a…

How to make Money by Marketing on Twitter

  • Target your Email List with Twitter Ads:

Do you have an email list that you have been trying hard to convert? With Twitter ads, you can upload your Twitter email list as your tailored audience. Twitter can then retarget the contacts of your email list with your advertisements and get you sales.

With Twitter’s tailored audiences, you can also upload lists of Twitter usernames, mobile numbers to retarget your audience list on Twitter. It’s important to note that a list with less than 100 entries will be considered too small by Twitter to run the ad.

  • Collaborate with Twitter Influencers:

40% of Twitter users say that they have directly made a purchase as a direct result of a tweet from an influencer. Twitter influencers can be a great way to get sales on Twitter. They have a strong affinity in converting their followers because of the close connection that followers develop on Twitter with their influencers.

When promoting with Twitter influencers, be sure to collaborate with influencers that resonate with your business idea.

  • Use Audience Insights to create your Tweets:

Want to make the most of your Twitter marketing? Learn the interests of your audiences before pitching your products to them. With Circleboom’s Twitter analytics reports, you can learn the interests of your followers. The interest cloud helps you in determining what products will appeal to your customers.

  • Make the best use of Twitter hashtags:

Twitter hashtags are very relevant to make your tweets reach the right audiences. When scheduling or posting your tweets, be mindful of the hashtags you add to your tweet. You can use the trending hashtags if they are relevant to your business.

  • Grow your Followers and stay away from Fake Accounts:

Engage with real audiences on Twitter to make sure that your content is reaching out to people who can actually buy. Circleboom can help you stay away from fake Twitter accounts. Just go to your dashboard and look for fake/inactive accounts that you follow from your Twitter account.

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Keep Trying

Each social media is different and can be hard to crack. The only way to get results in the long-term from a social media account is to keep trying. You should also read our following articles on Twitter marketing for better results:

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