How to verify your Twitter account: Guide for 2025

Twitter's verification system changed after Elon Musk bought the platform. Twitter Blue subscription became compulsory to get verified and the blue tick.

You've heard about Twitter verification. Don't you wonder how to verify your Twitter account?

Some years ago, Twitter suspended Twitter verification for the public. But it is back as it became available by early 2021, as said on the Official Twitter Blog.

"We plan to relaunch verification, including a new public application process, in early 2021. But first, we need to update our verification policy with your help. This policy will lay the foundation for future improvements by defining what verification means, who is eligible for verification and why some accounts might lose verification to ensure the process is more equitable."
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With some changes made to the process, the program has begun again. The feature has been rolled out to the public. Twitter's fact-check methods have been somewhat ad-hoc previously. It was confusing Twitter users about the Twitter verification system.

The famous 'blue verification tick' has begun to mean a 'medal of authenticity' in time. It might have come with some disappointing results back in the past. With new developments on the way, the Twitter verification system seems to want the framework to prove someone with a high-profile account he or she is.

"We're starting by more clearly defining some of the core types of Notable Accounts that are served by verification. Per the proposed policy, "the blue verified badge on Twitter lets people know that an account of public interest is authentic. To receive the blue badge, your account must be notable and active.""

How Does the New Twitter Verification Work

After Twitter entered a new era under the Elon Musk administration, verification on the platform has changed, and you need to pay for it!

Twitter Blue subscription became compulsory to get a blue check and verify your Twitter account.

Twitter Blue is $8 per month, and $84 per year for Twitter web. For iOS and Android users, it is $11 per month.

How to get a Twitter Blue subscription

You need to follow these steps to sign up for Twitter Blue:

  • Go to the Profile section of your app or
  • Go to Twitter Blue.
  • Choose the "Subscribe" button

You will be asked to confirm your phone number if you haven't previously.

Then, confirm your subscription payment on the web by following the iOS or Android in-app purchase instructions.

How to get a blue check on Twitter

Having a Twitter Blue subscription is not enough to get verified. The blue mark will appear after a check to make sure subscribed accounts satisfy all requirements.

What are these requirements?

Only accounts that have a Twitter Blue subscription in good standing are qualified to display the blue checkmark.

In order to keep the platform's integrity, Twitter utilizes an eligibility standard for awarding the checkmark. To obtain or keep the blue checkmark, your account must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Your account must be complete with a display name and profile picture.
  • To sign up for Twitter Blue, your account must have been active within the last 30 days.
  • To subscribe, your account must be at least 90 days old and have a validated phone number.
  • Your username (@handle), display name, or profile photo cannot have recently changed on your account.
  • There must be no indications that your account is false or misleading.
  • There must be no indications of platform manipulation or spam on your account.

Once Twitter has reviewed and determined that your Twitter Blue subscribed account satisfies the requirements, the checkmark will display.

Due to this modification, Twitter will no longer consider requests for the blue Verification checkmarks under the earlier standards.

How to List all My Verified Followers on Twitter
If you use a third-party tool like Circleboom, you can list all your verified followers. That too, in a minute in a clean-and-simple interface. Before we learn the process to do so, it’s important to know that Circleboom is a 100% Twitter-compliant tool.

Loss of Verified Twitter Account

Twitter aims to bring a new Twitter verification system with an active fact-check tool that can automatically remove verification from verified Twitter accounts. This process, previously to be implemented manually by Twitter staff might result in a delay in implementing enforcement.

Under the conditions of the Twitter Terms of Service, Twitter can remove the blue tick and verify Twitter account status in any case without warning.

Let's consider a verified Twitter account that repeats violations of Twitter Rules. In that case, Twitter can automatically remove the verified account's blue tick and continue to implement further actions, including Twitter account suspension for 12 hours and 7 days, respectively. It means if you had a 12-hour or 7-day lockout, you wouldn't be able to get your Twitter account verified again, at least for the next six months.

Who won't be eligible for Twitter Verification

Twitter also discusses what would make a verification account ineligible. So, If any of those conditions are met, an account will not obtain a blue verification tick:

  • Parody, newsfeed, commentary, and fan accounts
  • Accounts represent pets or fictional characters or are non-affiliated with a verified company, brand, or organization.
  • Twitter accounts previously engaged in violations of Platform manipulation and spam policy (accounts found for buying and selling of Twitter followers)
  • Twitter accounts represent individuals or organizations connected to systematic negative or hateful activities.
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Twitter also announced that the 'blue tick' wouldn't be the only sign to verify Twitter accounts. The new account types and Twitter labels are on the way.

"But the blue verified badge isn't the only way we are planning to distinguish accounts on Twitter. Heading into 2021, we're committed to giving people more ways to identify themselves, such as new account types and labels. We'll share more in the coming weeks. This is just the beginning of what we have planned for 2021."

Wrapping Up

Twitter plans to cooperate with non-governmental organizations alongside their inner Trust and Safety Council to create a multi-perspective atmosphere.

Hence, Twitter will be looking for feedback from the public on the developments that are still in draft. If you consider leaving feedback on Twitter, you may find the brief Twitter survey here. Also, if you prefer to tweet your feedback, you can use the #VerificationFeedback hashtag.