How to mass unfollow and mass delete tweets?

Doing things in mass. This is the reason why I love social media. However, I have an objection. Why it is possible to "build" things in mass but not "destroy" them.

For example, you can upload images en masse and send messages in mass. On the other hand, you can't mass unfollow people or mass delete your your tweets.

I mean, you can't do this on relevant platforms. In this case, X (formerly Twitter) doesn't allow you to bulk unfollow accounts or mass delete tweets. There is even no option for that!

I understand platforms, especially Twitter (X), work hard to keep spam and bots away from home. This kind of action, mass unfollowing and mass deleting is done mainly through bots. However, what about people like me who are just trying to grow accounts and save time while doing that?

You have to use third-party tools for mass unfollowing and bulk deleting tweets. Regarding third-party tools, safety should be the most important criterion when choosing the right one. As you use third-party tools for Twitter, you are giving full access to these tools and apps to your profiles, and they can literally do whatever they wish with your accounts.

That's why I recommend using tools and apps that are official Twitter (X) partners. There are not so many Twitter partners that enable mass unfollowing and mass deleting tweets. In this article, I will introduce the best among them: Circleboom!

Circleboom is a comprehensive Twitter (X) management tool. It helps you do the following:

Now I will show you how to mass unfollow and mass delete tweets with Circleboom. Let's start with mass unfollowing ⬇️

How to mass unfollow X (formerly Twitter) accounts with Circleboom

It is very simple to unfollow Twitter accounts in bulk with Circleboom. All you need is to follow these steps:

Step #1: Open up Circleboom Twitter on your device.

If you're new, setting up an account takes only a few seconds.

Step #2: After that, you'll need to reconnect your Twitter account if this is your first time.

Security is the top priority when using third-party tools. By authorizing Circleboom, you grant it access to manage your Twitter account. Thankfully, Circleboom is an official Twitter partner, ensuring your data is fully secure. Be cautious—don’t trust every tool you find online!

Step #3: Now, you are on the Circleboom dashboard. You can navigate to the left, open up the menu, and find the “Following” section there.

At the top, you will see the “All Your Following” option.

Step #4: Now, you see all your following, meaning all your friends, on Twitter.

You can visit their Twitter profiles, select some or all of them, and create lists or export them in CSV.

You can apply advanced filters and see inactive and fake following if you wish!

Step #5: Turn to mass unfollow. You can select all these accounts and unfollow them in bulk with one click.

With one click, you can clean up your Twitter account and get rid of unwanted profiles.

This is an irreversible action. So, be sure when you click on this button.

Now, it is time to discover how to mass delete tweets with Circleboom ⬇️

How to mass delete tweets (also retweets and likes) with Circleboom

The second phase of our grand Twitter clean-up project is mass deleting tweets. I will show you the necessary steps to mass delete tweets, retweets, and likes with Circleboom:

Step #1: Start by logging into Circleboom Twitter.

If you're new to Circleboom, creating an account is swift and straightforward!

If this is your first time and your Twitter account isn't linked to Circleboom yet, connecting them is a quick process.

Step #2: Welcome to the dashboard! On the left, locate "My Tweets".

Select the "Delete all my Tweets" option. With Circleboom, you're not confined by the 3,200 tweet limit – bulk delete even more!

Step #3: To view and bulk delete all your tweets, first download your Twitter archive, then upload the tweet.js file from it.

No stress – Circleboom is here to guide you through it!

Simply download your Twitter archive and upload the tweet.js file. Drag and drop the tweet.js file from your Twitter Archive files with ease.

Step #4: All your tweets (including retweets and replies) are now displayed. Regardless of the number, even if it's over 3,200, they'll all appear here, ready for you to mass delete with just one click!

Moreover, you have the option to filter your tweets for selective deletion. For instance, you can choose to delete tweets based on the number of likes and retweets, as shown.

You can also locate and bulk delete tweets by date, keywords, hashtags, and languages. Finding and erasing tweets is incredibly straightforward, isn't it?

Another feature allows you to delete or retain tweets with media, or exclusively remove tweets without media. All these options are at your disposal!

Step #5: Once you're ready, hit the red "Delete my Tweets" button.

You'll be directed to a confirmation page to ensure you're certain about deleting your tweets.

Remember, once you delete your tweets, there's no turning back. So, be absolutely sure before you proceed with deleting all your tweets!

I hope I can help those who are checking and trying to find an answer to their questions and visiting this Reddit post:


The real answer to this question is above ⬆️

Final Words

This is one of the most popular questions among Twitter folk: how to mass delete tweets and mass unfollow accounts. First of all, you can't do them on Twitter (X) itself. You can only delete tweets and unfollow people manually.

Secondly, mass unfollowing and mass deleting can be dangerous if you exceed the limits. The platform can label you as a bot, and you can face serious problems like account restrictions or even suspension (see Twitter shadowban).

So, you need a third-party tool that allows mass unfollowing and mass deleting tweets and also does all these safely, considering the security of your Twitter / X account. Only Circleboom can do that!

You can mass delete tweets and mass unfollow accounts safely and quickly with Circleboom!