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Best Time to Post on Pinterest

. 10 min read
Shopify Users Quiz
Which social media platform do Shopify users use most to promote their products?
A) Twitter
B) Pinterest
C) Instagram
D) LinkedIn

You can easily connect your website to Pinterest and create auto-pins with Circleboom's RSS Feed to Pinterest feature.

If you’re looking to maximize your Pinterest engagement, you’re in the right place. Understanding the best time to post on Pinterest can significantly increase the visibility of your content and engagement with your audience.

There are two ways to determine the best time to post on Pinterest: You either cross your fingers and rely on global averages by acting upon tendencies, or you deep dive into understanding when your audience is most active on Pinterest. After that, all you need to do is find the best ways to post on Pinterest and post at the best times to maximize your results. And if you need a scheduler for that, Circleboom Publish is ready to be your best friend.

If, however, you are new to Pinterest, you may want to check our posting guide below:

How to post on Pinterest: From Beginner to Expert (2023)
Pinterest provides to the pinners enormous availability for circulation of content and their original sources.

So, what are the best times to post on Pinterest? Let’s dive in.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest According to Global Averages

Like many others, we at Circleboom also gather anonymous data from thousands of users in line with our privacy policy, and we analyze their behavior.

Based on this data, below is the chart for the best times to post on Pinterest:

Overall, the best times to post on Pinterest are between 13:45 and 14:45 on Monday, between 14:00 and 15:00 on Wednesday, and between 19:30 and 20:30 on Sunday.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Monday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Monday is between 13:45 and 14:45.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Tuesday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Tuesday is between 14:30 and 15:30.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Wednesday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Wednesday is between 14:00 and 15:00.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Thursday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Thursday is between 14:00 and 15:00.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Friday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Friday is between 13:30 and 14:30, and between 15:00 and 16:00.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Saturday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Saturday is between 10:30 and 11:30, and between 22:30 and 23:30.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest on Sunday

The best time to post on Pinterest on Sunday is between 19:30 and 20:30.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest in the USA

Though the data is adjusted to be free from depending on time zones, it is still a notable fact that most people in the US live in Eastern or Central time zones.

So if you are in California and want to reach out to a broader audience, you may want to add 2 or 3 hours to all the best times to post on Pinterest indicated above. But if you live in any of the two mentioned time zones, you can still stick with what was given.

Best Time to Post on Pinterest For Business

This part gets a bit tricky, as you need to have a Pinterest business account to determine the best time to post on Pinterest for businesses. And then, it all comes down to analyzing your posts and acting upon the results you obtained. So the best time to post on Pinterest for your business should be tailored to you and you only.

I can definitely hear you saying "How do I keep all this in mind before posting on Pinterest?". And believe me when I say you are not alone. Even if you write it down somewhere, you will always have to check before every post.

Good thing that Circleboom gives you these times with a simple click if you want to stick with these averages. You can schedule your pins to be posted at these times with Circleboom Publish and save tons of time.

How to Determine "Your" Best Time to Post on Pinterest?

While the general guidelines provide a good starting point, it’s important to remember that the best time to post on Pinterest can vary greatly depending on your specific audience. Here are a few examples:

  • If your audience is seeking motivational or inspirational content, such pins may perform better in the morning, while entertainment or leisure-related content might perform better in the evening.
  • If you're a food and beverage poster, weekends might be a peak time as people look for recipes and dining inspiration.
  • If your audience is primarily composed of working professionals, they might be most active on Pinterest during their downtime, such as lunch breaks, and evenings.

Or you might be managing multiple Pinterest accounts, having to deal with the consideration of all these. So your best time to post on Pinterest is all about you and your relationship with your audience. There are a few ways for you to determine tailored best times to post on Pinterest.

1- Find "Your" Best Time to Post on Pinterest Manually

Pinterest does not give you post or profile analytics in detail if you don't have a business account. But you can still check the likes, comments, etc. on your posts and make a spreadsheet out of it manually to see what times to post on Pinterest brings you the most.

2- Find "Your" Best Time to Post on Pinterest via Pinterest Analytics

If, however, you have a Pinterest business account, you can simply check your analytics and see top pins. There are many metrics and filters you can use to determine which pins get the highest impressions, saves, outbound clicks, etc., so you'll see when your audience is most active.

By analyzing this data, you can identify trends and patterns unique to your audience, allowing you to tailor your posting schedule for maximum engagement. Remember, the key to successful Pinterest marketing is understanding and catering to your specific audience.

What we mean by best times does not only have to be limited to the days of the week. Pinterest is a platform where people get inspired, so checking Pinterest trends also helps determine whether it's a good time to post about what you have in mind.

3- Find "Your" Best Time to Post on Pinterest via Google Analytics

A blogger also recommends the use of Google Analytics, checking when the traffic coming from Pinterest is higher and strategizing accordingly. However, the results you get from this might not be that accurate as this method increases the dependency on the content itself rather than its timing.

For example, a post with a discount message may attract a lot more people to your website even when not posted at an optimal time. So using website traffic as a variable of comparison in this case can simply misguide you. Plus, you might even be selling products or services on Pinterest without a website.

Once you have identified your personal best times to post on Pinterest in any of the ways suggested above, there comes the need to post exactly at those times. And following that calendar is no easier than keeping up with the global averages as you will still have to memorize or write down all of it.

And just like it is the case with global averages, you'll find Circleboom making your life easier here too. You can easily arrange your calendar by adding the days and times you've identified to work best for you. Then by simply keep on putting your pins on the queue any time you want to post something, you can make sure that it will be posted at your personalized best times on Pinterest.

As you are now able to determine the best times to post on Pinterest and act upon it, let's see what else can be done to uplift your Pinterest game.

How to Utilize "Your" Best Times to Post on Pinterest

  • Pin high-quality, captivating, and original visuals consistently, and schedule your pins to ensure a steady flow of content.
  • Design your images at the proper size. Pinterest recommends a 2:3 aspect ratio (e.g. 1000 x 1500 pixels).
  • Create and pin images with text. Text overlays can provide additional context and catch a user’s attention.
  • Write keyword-rich descriptions and boards with popular and relevant hashtags. This can help your pins show up in relevant search results.
  • Add a link to your pin descriptions. This can be used to drive traffic to your website, blog, or other social media profiles.
  • Don't underestimate the power of video pins. Try to publish videos every now and then.
  • Check what Circleboom Publish has to offer when it comes to posting on Pinterest and managing your Pinterest account.

Circleboom Publish

Circleboom supports Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Business Profile, and TikTok (soon).


Get the Most of Pinterest with Circleboom

Circleboom Publish allows you to create, design, share, schedule, and automate Pinterest image and video pins for multiple Pinterest boards and accounts at once. It offers features such as a hashtag generator, pin scheduler, multiple Pinterest account manager, built-in Canva, and cross-posting to other social media platforms.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to use Circleboom Publish for your Pinterest accounts:

Step #1: Go to Circleboom Publish log in page and sign in.

Or create an account to start with, if you don't have one yet.

Step #2: If it's your first time, you'll see different options for various platforms.

Choose Pinterest among them and connect your Pinterest account(s) to Circleboom

Step #3: Navigate to the left menu and select "Time and Queue Settings".

This will allow you to create your posting calendar based on your best times to post on Pinterest.

Step #4: Go for basic settings or advanced settings to create your content calendar according to your best times to post on Pinterest.

Or simply click on "Add Best Times to Post" to rely on Circleboom's data of global averages.

Step #5: Save your settings and turn back to the dashboard to proceed with a new post.

Navigate to the sidebar on the left and click "Create New Post" or click directly on the big blue button on your dashboard.

Step #6: Choose the account you want to post from via "Select Account".

Then you can also choose which boards to save your pin and proceed with pin creation.

Step #7: Feel free to use the built-in design tools of Circleboom.

You will find Unsplash, Giphy, and Canva ready at your service. Also, you can upload your own visuals if you'd like.

Plus, you can select among Canva's ready-made Pinterest templates and work on it with many design elements. Once you're done, click the "Publish" button at the top right.

Step #8: Schedule your pin or add it to your Pinterest queue. Circleboom will post it at your pre-determined best time to post on Pinterest.

Or you can always choose to post it right away.

Other than Pinterest, you can also work on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Google My Business with Circleboom Publish.


Understanding the best time to post on Pinterest can help maximize your content’s visibility and engagement. However, these times should serve as a starting point, and it’s crucial to monitor your own Pinterest analytics to determine the optimal posting times for your specific audience.

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.