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Determining the Best Content for each Social Media Platform

. 5 min read

Using each social media platform to your advantage is a skill that many brands and businesses still need to learn.

Social media managers and marketers continue sharing the same content to each social media platform irrespective of the engagement they receive on each.

When it comes to brand marketing, it becomes vital for their social media managers to take the right steps in maximizing their ROI on each social media network.

Let’s explore how each social media platform is different and what kind of content works best on them.


Twitter witnesses all forms of content including texts, images, videos, gifs, live streaming, polls, and more! If you’ve been trying to grow your engagement on Twitter, you have to know what content can bring more attention to your profile in your niche.

Content most suitable to try on Twitter:

  • Videos: According to the stats, videos on Twitter are retweeted 6 times more than the photos and 3 times more than the gifs.
  • Infographics: Infographics are the most shared content on Twitter and shared 3 timesmore than any other content.
social media platform Twitter
  • How-to and List Articles: Articles perform well on Twitter and the kind of articles that receive maximum engagement are the how-to and list articles.

To share interesting articles on your Twitter, you can simply use the Circleboom publishing tool to schedule hundreds of articles. The tool will also help you in creating posts with videos, images, and gifs.

Twitter Scheduler
Can you schedule tweets? Yes! Let’s find out how to schedule tweets! Circleboom Publish is the Twitter scheduler that allows you to schedule tweets.


With a billion active users on Instagram, posting content that can escape the cluttered feeds and create an impact on Instagram needs effort and strategy.

Though content on Instagram can be only posted in two formats: images and videos, there are quite creative ways to make this content interesting and relevant.

Best ways to post content on Instagram:

  • Tell a story with your posts: Captions are an important part of each Instagram post and brands and marketers can use them wisely to increase engagement. Telling a story via captions or narrating a journey are some of the examples of how you can incorporate stories in your captions.
social media platform
  • Instagram stories: Posting Instagram stories is another way to create engaging content on Instagram. You can add polls, questions, music, gifs, emoticons to your Instagram stories thus making them more interactive.
Instagram Post Scheduler
Can you schedule Instagram posts? Yes! You can schedule Instagram posts with our Instagram post scheduler. Find out how to schedule Instagram.


Facebook is still a vital social media platform to generate leads and increase revenue for businesses. Posting the right content on Facebook is important as it can take your Facebook marketing to the next level.

Let’s look at what makes the most valuable content forms for Facebook:

  • Videos: Video posts on Facebook gets 59% more engagement than any other form of content on Facebook thus making it an obvious choice.
  • Images: Images are the second-best performing content on Facebook followed by links as the least shared content form on Facebook.
Facebook Post Scheduler
Can you schedule posts on Facebook? Yes! Let’s find out how to schedule a post on Facebook and schedule Facebook posts with Circleboom’s Facebook post scheduler.


LinkedIn is the social platform for everything business and you can’t run away from it. If you want to improve your engagement on the platform, it’s better that you schedule content that other LinkedIn users value and engage with.

Here are the content types suitable for posting on LinkedIn:

  • Informative Videos/Interviews: Short, concise, and informative videos rule LinkedIn because it provides LinkedIn users with adequate knowledge within a very short span of time. Create videos that are filled with knowledge, tips, and tricks to motivate LinkedIn users to engage with you.
  • Text posts: Unlike a few platforms we saw above, text posts work very well for LinkedIn. According to research, basic text posts generate many shares and comments on LinkedIn, thus making it an obvious content type for you.
LinkedIn Post Scheduler
Can you schedule posts on LinkedIn? Yes! You can schedule Linkedin posts with our LinkedIn post scheduler. Find out how to schedule posts on Linkedin with Circleboom!


Amongst all the platforms, one form of content that clearly wins is a video post. Videos have been performing well on all social media platforms so you should spend more time creating video content for all your social media sites.

About other forms of content, you should notice which other forms of content work best in your niche and post them accordingly in each social media site.

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Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.