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Guideline to Creating Highly Converting Social Media Content

. 3 min read

An egg photo on Instagram broke all records this year and became the most-liked photo on Instagram. This one picture earned the Instagram account @world_record_egg 8.5 million followers. Would you call it a highly converting social media content? Definitely, yes! Reaching a million followers in one post is probably one of the rarest cases we’ve seen in the social media space.

The question is: what made this picture go viral? The answer lies in their caption:

This is not the first time someone has tried this style to create social media content and gain popularity. A similar act was also pulled by @HalfOnionInaBag on Twitter. This post aimed at beating the follower numbers of Donald Trump with this picture.

There are numerous examples of content gone viral unexpectedly on social media giving their accounts long-term benefits in terms of new followers, likes, ads, and potential collaborations. For brands, viral content can earn them loyal customers and tap into a new market segment.

Here are the steps to creating your highly converting social media content within minutes:

Create Engaging Content:

Creating impeccable social media content that involves your audience is the best content ever. When you create contests or polls or any form of interactive content, chances are your audiences will resonate better with you.

Using polls on Twitter or asking for a share on Facebook or adding questions in your Instagram stories are all forms of engaging content that you can create.

You can create simple questions and share them with your audience to get their answers for new product ideas, existing product opinions, and much more.

Focus on Video Content:

Videos are the most shared content on social media. As per research, videos receive 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

create social media content video

Even for ads, video content is highly beneficial as 64% of people are more likely to buy a product after seeing their video ad. Since videos are the most converting form of content, it must be used by all brands to share relevant information with their users. Videos can be created for sharing product usage, product faqs, behind-the-scenes footage to build trust and reliability.

Share Great Content:

Should you be only posting your content on all your social media pages? Maybe not. Sharing great content with your users that are posted by others can also make your social media pages useful. People like to follow pages that share interesting content irrespective of the creators. However, you must remember to always credit the creator of the content when sharing it.

To make sharing great content easier for you, you can use the Circleboom publish tool. The publish tool has curated thousands of blogs and articles in more than 300 categories. You can select your area of interest and quickly share them to your Twitter account. You can also queue them to be published at a later date for the upcoming months.

Creating Social Media Content that Lasts:

Lastly, it’s important to remember that you create high-quality social media posts that look good even when your followers check them after weeks and months. Also, every time any new follower joins your account, they scan your old content too, so it’s very important to create content that would be valuable for your new users too.

If you have questions designing your content, share them in the comments below!

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.