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How to get verified followers on Twitter?​ (The ultimate hack!)

. 4 min read

This is not a "create compelling posts", "engage with your audience", or "collaborate with influencers" type of article. What you'll read about getting more verified followers on Twitter is not everyone will tell you about it.

But before we talk about the ultimate hack of getting verified followers on Twitter, let me tell you why they are important.

Get The List of Verified Twitter Accounts | See What Verified Accounts Follow You
How many verified accounts follow me on Twitter? The answer is easy-peasy, though. Get the verified celebrity Twitter account list that follows in no time!

Why having verified followers on Twitter important?

Having verified followers on Twitter can obviously elevate your credibility, enhance your reach, and establish trust in your network. But there is more to that:

  1. If you're monetizing your X account, note that you only get ad revenue based on the number of verified accounts that view ads within the replies of your X posts. This means you need to maximize your replies and maximize the number of verified accounts that reply to your tweets. And getting more verified followers is one way of doing it.
  2. Elon Musk stated earlier in 2024 that all X accounts with over 2,500 verified followers will get X Premium for free, and Premium+ will be given for free to those with 5,000 verified followers. A good deal, huh?

How to get verified Twitter followers​

As I said earlier, of course, working tirelessly on your account to create engaging content and spending a few hours on the platform interacting with people may eventually get you a nice number of followers, but I'm not going to go into the details of that.

What I'll talk about is a Twitter management tool that will help you hack the process of getting verified Twitter followers, and I mean a lot of them in a short span of time. And that tool, ladies and gentlemen, is Circleboom Twitter.

It has many features to make your lives easy while managing your presence on X. But, I'll be talking a bit more about its following features and the way they are combined to get verified Twitter followers:

Before we pass by, here is some more details about what I mean by bulk follow/mass unfollow on Twitter:

Do You Have Bulk/Mass/Auto Unfollow and Follow on Twitter?
Discover how to easily bulk unfollow and follow on Twitter using Circleboom’s powerful tools. Mass unfollow non-followers, inactive accounts, and fakes, and follow relevant users in bulk while staying compliant with Twitter rules.

How to use Circleboom to get more verified Twitter followers

Now, with those features in hand, getting more verified Twitter followers has become a lot easier, don't you think?

Well... Let me ask you this: Have you ever stumbled upon those profiles that are after being "Twitter mutuals"? Yes, exactly the ones that will follow you back after you follow them!

🤫 We'll target them to be our next verified followers!

Let's detail the process with a step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Remember the feature of Circleboom where you get to search for specific keywords on people's profiles or bios? It can be accessed through the left hand menu of the Circleboom's dashboard, named as the "Smart Search"

Step 2: We'll try it with the words like "mutuals", "follow back", etc. to find the accounts that are highly likely to follow back.

Step 3: Then, by clicking the "Filter options", open up the search filters and filter only the verified profiles, may them have blue, grey, or gold checkmark.

Step 4: Bulk follow those accounts once they are listed before you.


Step 5: Let's be honest, not all of them will follow you back. That's why, again, by using Circleboom, you'll be detecting who's not following you back.

Step 6: Once you have those accounts listed before you, now you'll do the opposite: Bulk unfollow them.


And repeat these steps until you reach to your goal.

Final words

You can try to get more verified Twitter followers by creating top-notch content and spending hours on the platform, nurturing your account slowly by working hard.

Or you can become a Circleboomer to take advantage of all these features and easily grow your verified followers in a short timeframe, both to enjoy the side income coming from Twitter's ad monetization and benefit from the X Premium features for free!

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.