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What is the new Twitter feature, View Count?

What is the new Twitter feature, View Count?

. 3 min read

Twitter shows how many times your tweets are viewed, even without engagement.

Elon Musk announced it's coming on December 1st with a tweet.

On December 22, he announced that the View Count feature is live on Twitter.

With this feature, anyone can see how often a tweet - a text or image - is seen, like tweets with videos already showing the view counts.

Additionally, it states that viewing a tweet on your phone after viewing it on desktop counts as two views.

View count will be an important metric for finding the relationship between view and engagement. Twitter users will have important data showing how many views turn into an engagement; like, quote, retweet or comment.

How to increase view count on Twitter

Needless to say that your tweets should be striking, eye-catching, and interesting to be successful.

But, for more views, you need more than a good tweet. Knowing when to tweet is as important as what to tweet.

If you know your best time to tweet, you will have a chance to get the maximum view count you can get.

How can you know your best time?

Circleboom Twitter has an amazing "Best Time to Post" feature that shows your best time to tweet with a nice-looking graph by analyzing every activity of your followers and friends.

Best time to post on Twitter

For more details, you can watch our hands-on video guide here:

Also, you can show your tweets to people other than your followers with hashtags. Using popular, relevant hashtags makes your tweets viewed by more people.

Twitter hashtag generator on Circleboom helps you find related, trending hashtags for your tweets and grow your reach on Twitter.

Twitter hashtag generator

When you know the best time to tweet and popular hashtags, you only need to schedule your tweets in advance.

Circleboom Publish allows users to schedule social media posts for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google My Business.

People can also schedule Twitter threads with Circleboom.

How to turn views into engagement on Twitter

Views are important if they generate engagement on Twitter; likes, RTs, quotes, and comments.

So, you should make your tweets attract attention. How can you do that? If you know your audience well, you can create tweets they can be interested in.

Circleboom Twitter's Interest Targeting feature shows your followers' interest topics. So, you can create content accordingly and get more likes, retweets, and comments.

Find out what your followers are interested in.

For more details, you can watch our tutorial here:

On Circleboom Publish, you can find ready-made templates, images, filters, effects, gifs, animations, fonts, and backgrounds to design your tweets for your followers' liking.

Design your tweets on Circleboom.

Wrapping Up

Twitter introduced a new feature called View Counts. Now, people can see that their tweets are viewed how many times. Now, it is important to turn views into an engagement.

Circleboom provides many great tools and features that you can utilize to get more likes, comments, retweets, or quotes.

Altug Altug

I focus on developing strategies for digital marketing, content management, and social media. A part-time gamer! Feel free to ask questions via [email protected] or Twitter (@mynameisaltug)