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How do I Follow people on Twitter with Certain Hashtags

. 3 min read

Following Twitter accounts is one of the essential ways for new Twitter accounts to grow their followers. Building a network on Twitter involves following Twitter accounts that are relevant to your business and community. This means that you need to follow people on Twitter with certain hashtags or keywords. 

Many Twitter users try to follow multiple accounts by automating the follow process using third-party Twitter apps. However, with Twitter’s approach to restricting automation on the platform, it’s best advised to not use any app that assists you in auto-follow. Also, if you actually want to build a Twitter community, it’s better to follow accounts you have verified and checked before following. 

In this article, we will learn how to follow people on Twitter by searching for hashtags or keywords. 

Find Relevant Twitter Accounts to Follow by Hashtags

  • Login to the Circleboom dashboard by authenticating your Twitter account. Once logged in, go the Circleboom menu on the left and select “Search.” From the sub-menu, select “Live Search.”
  • In the hashtag/keyword search box, enter the hashtag that you want to find related accounts for. Circleboom will list all the Twitter accounts that use this hashtag in their Twitter bio or tweets. 
follow people on Twitter with certain hashtags
  • All the accounts using the hashtag will be listed. You can learn about their tweets, date joined, friends, followers, and last tweet from the CB dashboard. For more account details or to follow the account, you can click on the “Visit” button. 
follow people on Twitter with certain hashtags
  • The search results shown are real-time which means new tweets and new users using the hashtag are added to list. So, every time you look for a hashtag, you will find different results based on the real-time Twitter account. 
  • If you do not want to follow eggheads or spam accounts, you can click on the checkbox “Hide Eggheads” or “Hide Inactives” and Circleboom will filter such accounts from your search result. 
  • To only look for verified Twitter accounts, click on “Verified” and only verified Twitter accounts will be listed. 

With Circleboom search, you can also shortlist accounts by location or language by using the grid power search. Type the location in the search box and accounts will be shown by location. This is a very useful feature if you want to follow accounts with certain hashtags from particular geographies. Even the language filter is useful if you only want to follow English-speaking accounts or follow accounts speaking a particular language. 

Search for Twitter Accounts by Keywords and not Hashtags?

If you want to perform a more filtered search, you can use Circleboom’s smart search which filters Twitter accounts by keywords. Smart search has more options to find the perfect Twitter accounts. You can enter the follower/following numbers, location, language, tweet numbers to find Twitter accounts to connect with. Smart search also looks for user’s Twitter username, tweets, and bios to show accounts. 

To end with:

The process listed above should help you quickly find Twitter accounts with certain hashtags. It’s faster than the Twitter app because you can sort accounts by location, follower numbers, and other metrics. 

You can use the smart search and live search feature for free with Circleboom’s free plan. So, get started and let us know in the comments below if you have any questions. 

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.