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Trending hashtags dominating Twitter in 2020

Trending hashtags dominating Twitter in 2020

. 3 min read

In a world full of trends, missing ongoing trends is so common. With so much trending around us, at times, we are lost between what’s happening. Especially when it comes to a crowded platform like Twitter, it’s so easy to be lost between tweets and miss what’s important. But, the good news is, trending hashtags is the best way to stay updated with the latest on Twitter.

Follow the trending hashtags and everything important will follow.  2021 will be a crazy year for almost everybody bringing in new hashtags and topics that concern everybody. Highlighting the trending hashtags that have marked Twitter’s 2020 so far, here goes our list.


In the wake of Coronavirus pandemic that caught the world in 2020 onwards, #COVID19 has been one of the most trending hashtags of 2022 with the entire world tweeting on it. Be it their everyday home schedules or rising Coronavirus cases or latest economic updates pertaining to the pandemic, this hashtag has definitely taken the center stage.


Another trending hashtag that gained popularity with Coronavirus, #quarantine is used by everyone to showcase their lockdown diaries. The hashtag gained popularity worldwide in the form of recipe shares, work-from-home experiences, cute baby videos and more. The hashtag has also received many memes, gifs, and funny tweets highlighting the humorous side during the pandemic.


A hashtag that has been trending not just on Twitter but also on roads, protests, and everywhere in the United States. #blacklivesmatter is an organized, non-violent movement in the United States against police brutality against African-American people. The move though started in the United States, quickly caught up worldwide with everyone speaking against injustice and race war.


With all the serious stuff around, if you’re looking for a chill hashtag that started trending in 2020, then #caturday is it! It’s the hashtag used by Twitteratis portraying their cutest cat pictures and videos. The hashtag has become pretty famous pretty soon amongst all the cat lovers. If you are a cat lover yourself, then this is the trending hashtag you need to leverage upon.


Not an extraordinary addition but #Saturdaymorning has still been trending and used in 2020. For all your Saturday or weekend updates, products discounts, and new launches, you can use the #saturdaymorning to gain traction. You could also use this hashtag along with your weekend dose of humor or family time narrative.


With the United States Presidential Election scheduled on November , 2020, Twitter has seen many tweets with the trending #PresidentialElection. Used by politicians, celebrities, Twitter influencers, this hashtag is expected to gain much more popularity in the coming months. The hashtag also picked up recently when Kanye West, entertainer, announced that he will run for the president of the United States.

Follow the trend

The list of trending hashtags on Twitter is definitely endless but above listed are some of our top picks based on the lifestyle and issues of 2020. Hashtags are an important element of a tweet that helps you reach out to new people and gain more followers on Twitter. Hashtags can also help you in finding new followers to follow and build your Twitter network. So, go ahead, and start working on your Twitter hashtags to make your tweets worthwhile in 2020.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.