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Verified Twitter Accounts That Follow Back: How to Find Them!

. 4 min read

It's no surprise that many users dream of verified Twitter accounts that follow back. But the reality? Verified accounts, often celebrities and major brands, are bombarded with follow requests.

Do you want to check how many of these verified accounts you follow follow you back? Or, in other words, how many of them are not following you back! ⬇️

See Who Is Not Following Back | Check Twitter Unfollowers
Isn’t your follower number increasing? Is someone not following you back? Let’s see who’s not following you back on Twitter!

In other words, verified accounts are quite selective with their follows. So, finding verified X accounts that follow back and becoming Twitter mutuals with them can feel like winning the Twitter lottery.

But here I have a tool that will make finding verified Twitter accounts that follow back easy like never before: Circleboom Twitter.

Let me tell you how Circleboom can help you find verified Twitter accounts that follow back.

They are called "follow for follow" accounts or "f4f". Here is the latest guide to find these X accounts ⬇️
It is a very basic tactic. You follow people, and they follow you back. They gain new followers, and you gain new followers. It is a win-win!
It is a very basic tactic. You follow people, and they follow you back. They gain new followers, and you gain new followers. It is a win-win!

How do you identify verified X accounts that follow back?

Many users indicate their willingness to follow back directly in their Twitter bios. Keywords like "mutuals" or "follow back" are among the helpful indicators.

But how do I find users by these keywords added to their bios or profiles?

Well, here's the first magical step coming from Circleboom: It basically lets you search Twitter bios and profiles of users for specific keywords. So you can simply find Twitter users who have, let's say, "IFB" (short for "I follow back") written on their profiles.

Those are the ones that are highly likely to give you follow backs, regardless of your content or even the strength of your profile.

Alright, but there will be numerous accounts. So how do I only get the verified ones?

Circleboom keeps showing its magic as the next step: Advanced Twitter search filters.

Once you get those accounts listed before you, you can filter only the verified ones, and voila! You'll have a list of verified accounts that are likely to follow you back!

Okay, seems nice. So I'll go find them on Twitter and follow them, huh?

No need for all that hustle of manual following!

Circleboom also comes with a Twitter follow tool that allows you to bulk follow Twitter accounts.

Just pick them and click on the follow button. Then lean back and let Circleboom keep doing its magic.

What if they don't follow me back?

Have I said that Circleboom is magical? 😏

It shows you the accounts that are not following you back on Twitter, so you'll see who your non-followers are.

Oh, I see. So I'll unfollow them back!

Yes, but again, you can do that in bulk, just like when we did while following them.

Because Circleboom also has a Twitter unfollow tool that lets you mass unfollow Twitter accounts!

Pretty good, don't you think? Now repeat the process above until you get as many verified Twitter accounts following you back as you want.

Just remember to mind the rules and policies of X regarding the follows and unfollows, so that you don't get shadowbanned.
And what if you get shadowbanned? Then read the article below ⬇️
How to get rid of shadowban on Twitter
If you want to get rid of Twitter shadowban, you need to be sure whether you’re shadowbanned on Twitter or not. And the rest will follow.

Long story short: Find Verified Twitter Accounts That Follow Back with Circleboom

Attracting verified Twitter accounts that follow back is not easy, if you don't have the right tool for the job.

But if you're a Circleboomer, then you can achieve your goals faster and more effectively.

Start Circlebooming today and connect with Twitter verified accounts that follow back!

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.