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How can Twitter Fleets help you get new followers in 2021

. 5 min read

You have probably heard about Twitter's new 'disappearing tweet' feature, Twitter Fleets. Then, have you ever think about Twitter Fleets that can be used to get new followers in 2021? Moreover, it can be super useful for Twitter marketing in 2021 as well. How? Check below.

Twitter Fleets is a kind of story feature of Twitter that was officially launched on November 17, 2020. Twitter Fleets, which is recently labeled 'Twitter story' by the public, is a late-coming feature to be launched after Snapchat stories, Instagram stories, WhatsApp stories, etc.

How to view Twitter Fleets without anyone knowing
it is quite an understandable thing that sometimes you might want to view a Twitter Fleet without anyone knowing or anonymously.

Twitter Fleets is the enterprise to increase engagement and impressions on Twitter. Via Twitter Fleets, you can build stronger personal and organizational relations much freely.

As is announced by Twitter's official blog:

"Fleets are for you to share your ideas and momentary opinions. These posts disappear after 24 hours and have no retweets, likes, or public comments. We hope that people who are not usually comfortable with Tweeting use Fleets to talk about the reflections that come to their head."

How to Use Twitter Fleets for Marketing

People follow their favorite individuals, organizations, and brands on social media to get the latest news about products or services. However, you shouldn't forget that social media platforms are being used as places for engaging and fun content.Herein, Twitter Fleets can constitute another milestone for your B2B marketing on Twitter in 2021 because it goes beyond the standard marketing methods.

How to Delete Tweets by Date
You can delete tweets published on a specific date/month/year using Circleboom. Using Circleboom can let you erase tweets within seconds what might take hours to find on Twitter.

People Love Disappearing Contents

People are constantly bombarded with ads for various services for many years. However, that leads to a kind of blindness to advertisements in a classical shape. Website adds are an excellent example of that.

They always want to see the latest creative products through nicely curated images and videos that show how your brand solves their issues. With nicely created content, you can drive your existing followers and potential target audience to conversion. According to a study, people enjoy seeing behind the scenes posts from individuals and brands. It is a fact that these posts verify, humanize the existence of organization and brand accounts for people. Twitter Fleets would be a bulls-eye shot for that.

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Looking for the fastest way to unlike all tweets? Want to bulk delete Twitterlikes? At times, you would want to delete old likes because you do not want anyassociation with that account/topic/person/idea. At such times, using a toolthat can quickly delete Twitter likes for you can be most benefic…

While tweets have become a conventional way with limited capabilities for marketing.

Twitter Fleets provide you a significant change to show behind the scenes glimpses at your business place with your staff. This method has been used for a year by many companies on Instagram already. Herein, Twitter Fleets could change the conventional marketing methods on Twitter in 2021.

Post Limited Time Offers

We are only a few weeks from Xmas, which means brands have already begun to lunch their marketing strategies based on limited-time offers. Herein, Twitter Fleets presents you with an excellent opportunity to promote your attention-grabbing deal to post. This method would be a perfect match for any temporary offer and sale, including coupon codes that you can come within.

Since Fleets disappear after 24 hours. So, users will not find these promotions every time they visit your business profile. And that may encourage and drive them to your promotion with a sense of urgency. Twitter Fleets are still relatively new, but these tactics already prove its adequacy on Instagram.

Engage with Your Target Audience

Twitter presents one of the most fertile grounds for marketing in terms of engagement and gaining impressions. Also, the platform provides marketers the chance to attract customers' attention from various social backgrounds that they won't able to engage otherwise. To do that, you should follow your followers and possible target audience daily.

With Circleboom's unique User Analytics feature, you can track your followers and friends in a smart and fully up-to-date chart.

Is there a free way to Track Twitter Follower Growth over time
Twitter has reached 340 million active users[] so far making it a platformwhere Twitter users manage thousands of followers every day. Learning yourTwitter follower growth over time can be difficult. This is because there’s noprovision on Twitter t…
  • Knowing your follower growth is crucial to learn which tweets and days can give you more followers.
  • You can learn your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly follower statistics with the Circleboom follower statistics analytics.
  • The daily change graph will show how your followers changed every day. The slider will quickly help you make a switch between days to set your time.

Knowing your followers' expectations will also help you find the posts and tweets you need to make. In the Circleboom User Analytics panel, you will learn the gender, language, and areas of interest of your followers. The data is provided in the form of a diagram to help you understand the distribution easily.

Twitter Unfollow Tool to Find Who’s Not Following Back
There’s no definite way on Twitter to find a Twitter account who’s not following back your Twitter account. You can look at your followers and followings but not at those accounts who don’t follow…

Wrapping Up

Twitter fleets are already at the starting point. So, we will, therefore, implement new approaches to highlight our content and get new followers in 2021. Twitter Fleets is quite a fertile ground for brands and influencers to connect explicitly and publicly through their creative multimedia fleets. Twitter Fleets can change marketing rules on Twitter with its new, more in-depth, and personal promotion capabilities.

Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia