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How can you find follow-for-follow (f4f) accounts on Twitter?

. 3 min read

Follow for Follow is an old and still working method to grow your audience on Twitter!

My follower graph after I started following this method! ⬇️

My follower graph after I started following this method!

It is a very basic tactic. You follow people and they follow you back. They gain new followers, and you gain new followers. It is a win-win!

The critical question is how you can find follow-for-follow accounts on X (formerly Twitter). You may think it is impossible, but you are wrong!

These accounts write it on their profiles! They write follow-for-follow or f4f on their X profile walls! So the question is not about finding, it is about searching!

You should have the tools or ways to search these accounts! I have good news for you!

Circleboom has a great account search tool. You can target people's profiles and find those who used specific terms in their bios!

Let's try this for "follow-for-follow" and "f4f"!

Search and Find "Follow for Follow" and "F4F" accounts on X with Circleboom

Firstly, I searched for "followforfollow" on Circleboom's "Live Smart Search" module to find X profiles that used these keywords on their profiles ⬇️

Follow for Follow

Circleboom found 506 profiles for me!

Listing profiles

You can mass follow all these accounts with one click on Circleboom ⬇️

Bulk Follow

Now, I search for "f4f".

Circleboom listed 191 profiles for "f4f" ⬇️ You can bulk follow them, too!


If you want, you can make more specific searches with advanced search filters on Circleboom. For example, you can only search for verified accounts!

Advanced search filters

You follow them and then they follow you back. But, after a while, they may unfollow you! How can you track these unfollowers?

Thanks to Circleboom's "Who Unfollowed You" feature, you can find those unfollowers. Also, you can set up a "Unfollower Alert" and get notified when someone unfollows you on X ⬇️

How to get notifications when someone unfollows you on Twitter!
You will get a notification 🔔 as someone unfollow you on Twitter. They won’t escape!

Final Words

I think it is the best method to grow an X account: follow for follow!

With Circleboom, I can find these accounts and mass-follow them with one click. In the example above, I followed almost 700 accounts at once! If half of them follow me back, I will gain 350 followers with one click, great right!

Circleboom is a great tool for managing X accounts. It can be used for this and many other functions.

Altug Altug

I focus on developing strategies for digital marketing, content management, and social media. A part-time gamer! Feel free to ask questions via [email protected] or X (@altug_seo)