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Aspects of Twitter analytics essential for business

Aspects of Twitter analytics essential for business

. 4 min read

We all know that monitoring Twitter analytics is essential for businesses to expand their Twitter account. But, the main question is, are some elements of Twitter analytics more important?

How do you determine the important aspects of Twitter analytics for your business? In this article, we will list some of the most important data that you must note in your Twitter insights to immediately gain relevant information.

We have used Circleboom analytics as they have some of the most valuable Twitter insights for business. Let’s learn how to make the most of your Twitter analytics and the important metrics.

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#1 Twitter Analytics Metrics for Business: Follower Growth

Monitoring your follower growth is crucial to see how your Twitter account is performing. If your follower numbers are not growing, that means your business reach is restricted on Twitter and you are not reaching new customers. To make your business successful on Twitter, it would be ideal for your follower numbers to grow.

You can analyze your daily growth in Twitter followers with Circleboom’s follower growth charts.

Key learnings:

  • The chart helps you understand if your follower growth on Twitter is constant or not.
  • You can also look at the daily change graph to see the followers you lose everyday. If you’re losing a high number of followers then your brand is either losing its value outside Twitter or your tweets are not relevant.
  • If you see a sharp increase or decrease in follower growth, then you can observe your tweet analytics and see which tweets are causing the sudden growth on the specific days.

#2 Twitter Analytics Metrics for Business: Follower Characteristics and Interests:

As long as they follow you, does it even matter who they are? Well, if you are a business, then, yes, it does. Knowing and understanding your Twitter audiences is important if you want to see your targeting is spot on or not.

You can learn your Twitter follower characteristics by selecting “Follower Characteristics” from the menu Circleboom -> Twitter analytics.

You can also learn the interests of your followers by analyzing the Interest Cloud from the Circleboom dashboard.

Key Learnings:

  • Knowing how many of your followers are human helps you know if you’re dealing with real accounts or not. If your Twitter business account is followed by more bots than humans, then it’s of very low value to you.
  • If you have more inactive Twitter accounts following you than active Twitter accounts, it’s definitely Twitter marketing gone wrong. Inactive Twitter accounts means being followed by accounts that haven't used Twitter for a good time.
  • If you have more bots or inactive accounts, then you need to monitor hashtags used in your tweets and see if they are bringing these irrelevant followers to you.

#3 Twitter Analytics Metrics for Business: Best Time to Tweet:

For any business, this is an important metric as it helps you schedule your posts at right times. Knowing the time when your followers are online can help you in sharing tweets to gain maximum engagement.

You can refer to Circleboom’s best time to tweet charts to know best times specific to your Twitter account.

Key Learnings:

  • The size of the bubble helps you know which times are best for you. The bigger the bubble, the better the time.
  • You can schedule your tweets based on the times when you have maximum followers online. Even the days can help you learn the best days to schedule your tweets.

Final Words:

These three metrics are most important for any business trying to expand their Twitter account. Being followed by people that understand you and match your business interests are best in the long term. Once your tweets are set to consistently grow your Twitter followers that are coherent with your interests, you are in the right path.

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Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.