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How to Mass Delete Tweets: The Ultimate Guide

How to Mass Delete Tweets: The Ultimate Guide

. 4 min read

Deleting a few tweets on Twitter is not a difficult task. But, what if you want to mass delete tweets up to fifty or hundred or thousands? Is there a way to mass delete tweets? Yes, it is!

There are several complications on mass deleting tweets on Twitter:

  • It can be very time consuming to select each tweet and delete it.
  • If you’re not sure of which tweets to delete, you would have to spend a lot of time finding tweets before deleting them.
  • If you want to delete all tweets, then deleting them on Twitter would take weeks and months.

So, How to mass delete tweets?  How about using a tool that can mass delete tweets within minutes?

Circleboom is a Twitter tool that has a Twitter archive eraser that can help you delete tweets quickly. In this article, we will look at how to mass delete tweets via using Circleboom and let you can delete your tweets in bulk.

Can you Bulk Delete Twitter Likes? Yes, in just 2 steps!
Circleboom is a Twitter app that helps you quickly bulk delete Twitter likes. Hereby, you can just delete Twitter likes at once within seconds.

How to Mass Delete Tweets within seconds!

There are two ways to mass delete tweets with Circleboom:

  1. Use the Twitter archive eraser to delete all old tweets or selected tweets using the Twitter archive.
  2. Delete tweets that need to be deleted by filtering and selecting tweets to delete.

Let’s look at how to mass delete tweets with the Twitter archive eraser. To mass delete tweets from your Twitter archive, you would first need to download your Twitter archive from Twitter. Once downloaded, you can upload your archive on Circleboom, by uploading tweet.js file from the zip folder. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Login to the Circleboom dashboard by authenticating your Twitter account.
  • You can see the Circleboom menu on the left. From the menu, select -> “My Tweets” -> “Delete Old Tweets.”
  • You will be directed to “Upload your archive” page. Here you have to upload the previously downloaded Twitter archive (tweet.js). The uploaded archive will have all your tweets till date and you can use filters in the next section to select which tweets to delete.
  • In the next screen, you can filter which tweets to delete. Tweets can be filtered by:





-Tweet language

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  • You can also filter if you want to delete all retweets, tweets, or replies. If you only want to delete retweets, then put a tick on the check box with retweets and uncheck other boxes.
  • After selecting all your filters, you can click on “Approve” to mass delete tweets. Once you hit approve, you have to do nothing more, Circleboom will delete all the selected tweets for you.

Further, here is our hands-on video tutorial:

How to remove bot/fake/inactive/ghost Twitter accounts
Inactive accounts do not engage with your Twitter account. It’s best to remove ghost Twitter followers and friends save your Twitter account from spammers.

The key takeaway:

Using the steps above is an effortless way to get rid of all or some of your tweets. With Circleboom’s tweet delete feature you can also have a look at the tweets before deleting them. Both processes are simple to follow and quickly get rids of old tweets.

Based on the number of tweets you want to delete, you can select the appropriate Circleboom plan. With the free plan, you can delete up to 200 tweets but without the bulk option. For other plans, you can delete tweets in bulk. Select the appropriate plan to enjoy other Circleboom features like Twitter schedule and analytics.

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If you seek some funny Twitter accounts to follow, these funny Twitter accounts that we have listed will be the cure after such times.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.