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What’s the Fastest Way to Unlike Every Tweet You’ve Ever Liked on Twitter?

What’s the Fastest Way to Unlike Every Tweet You’ve Ever Liked on Twitter?

. 6 min read
Delete All Likes Button
Circleboom Twitter is the fastest and most efficient tool to unlike all your tweets in one go. With its 'Unlike All Likes' feature, you can reset your likes instantly, saving time.
Delete All Likes

Do you ever scroll through your Twitter feed and wonder why you're seeing so many irrelevant tweets? That's what happened to me. My Twitter feed was filled with posts that no longer matched my interests.

The reason? Twitter’s algorithm was feeding me content based on the tweets I had liked over the years. But as my preferences evolved, my feed didn’t, and it was driving me crazy.

I knew I needed to clean up my likes to reset the algorithm and start seeing content that I actually cared about.

But, as I quickly realized, unliking all of my tweets wasn’t going to be easy.

Why I Needed to Unlike All My Tweets

The more I liked tweets over time, the more my interests shifted. At first, I liked a lot of content about tech gadgets and startups, but over the years, I became more interested in topics like digital marketing, cryptocurrency, and personal development.

However, Twitter didn’t get the memo and kept showing me the same old content.

To change that, I needed to unlike the tweets I had liked in the past so that Twitter’s algorithm would stop associating my account with those interests. It sounds simple, right?

But there was one problem: I had thousands of liked tweets. Going through them manually would have taken forever.

There had to be a faster way.

Tired of old tweets cluttering your profile? Learn how to delete or unlike all tweets in just seconds!
Delete/Unlike All Tweets or Multiple Tweets in Seconds
Can you unlike all tweets from Twitter in a few seconds? Yes, you can, and that too by following very simple steps.

Why It’s Impossible to Unlike All Your Tweets on Twitter Manually

Twitter is great for a lot of things, but when it comes to managing your likes in bulk, it falls short. I spent hours searching for a built-in solution that could help me unlike tweets quickly and efficiently, but there just isn’t one.

Sure, I could scroll back through my old likes and unlike them one by one, but with years’ worth of tweets piling up, that was going to be a daunting task.

I needed a faster, smarter solution.

The Fastest Way to Unlike All Your Tweets: Circleboom Twitter

That’s when I came across Circleboom Twitter. Circleboom is an official partner of Twitter/X, which means they can offer powerful features that other tools can’t, all while ensuring safety and security for users.

What caught my eye was its "Unlike All Likes" feature. It promised to automate the process, saving me hours of manual effort.

It was the perfect solution.

How to Unlike All Tweets with Circleboom Twitter

If you’re in a situation similar to mine, where you need to mass unlike all your tweets, here’s how Circleboom can help you do it quickly:

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter, or register quickly if you don't have a Circleboom account yet.

Then, connect your Twitter profile to your Circleboom account. Don't worry, Circleboom is safe.

Step #2: Hover over the "My Tweets" section of the left menu on your dashboard.

Find the "Unlike all my Likes" button under that and click on it.

Step #3: Click the "Start Here" button on the next screen.

Then, you'll be asked to upload your Twitter archive file. (Check how to download your Twitter archive if you don't know it already).

Step #4: You can see all your Twitter likes without limits.

You can also apply filters to spare some of your Twitter likes.

Once you've completed all these, simply click on the red button that says "Unlike my Likes," and you'll be good to go.

Be careful while deleting your likes in bulk, as there won't be any option of undoing it.

While Circleboom’s Twitter like deleter is a powerful tool, it’s always good to be mindful of your Twitter activity. Remember, once your reputation is damaged, it will become a lot harder to reinstate it.

That's why deleting Twitter likes is not the only feature Circleboom offers. Circleboom also lets you delete all your tweets and retweets, along with many other features.

Circleboom Twitter iOS App

Why Circleboom Twitter is the Best Choice for Unliking Tweets

Using Circleboom to unlike all of my tweets was not only fast, but it was also safe and secure.

Here’s why Circleboom stands out as the best tool for this task:

➡️ Speed: Unlike Twitter’s manual unliking process, which could take hours or even days, Circleboom does it all in a matter of minutes.

➡️ Simplicity: The user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to manage their Twitter likes, even if you’re not tech-savvy.

➡️ Safety: Since Circleboom is an official partner of Twitter, you can trust that it won’t put your account at risk, unlike some other third-party apps.

Want to clean your X account for a fresh start? Explore the ultimate guide to decluttering your profile!
How to clean up your X account: A Comprehensive Guide!
Let me take you on a journey of how I cleaned up my X account and rediscovered the joy of tweeting.

Final Thoughts: Reset Your Likes and Refresh Your Feed

Unliking all your tweets can breathe new life into your Twitter experience. If your feed is filled with irrelevant content like mine was, I highly recommend using Circleboom to automate the process of unliking tweets.

It’s fast, it’s simple, and it’s safe. Plus, by doing this, you’ll give Twitter’s algorithm a fresh start, ensuring that your feed is aligned with your current interests.

So, if you’re ready to refresh your Twitter feed and regain control, try Circleboom Twitter today. With its “Unlike All Likes” feature, you’ll have your likes cleared out in no time.

Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content.