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6 Mistakes that every New Twitter User should Avoid

. 4 min read

Being a new Twitter user can be very exciting as the platform is ever-evolving and filled with engaging tweets. At one second you might be preparing your tweet and at another, you would be lost amidst millions of conversations.

There are also several common mistakes that new Twitter users are bound to make because of the lack of familiarity with the platform. However, the sooner you detect these mistakes and rectify them, the better it is in the long run. Not repeating the common Twitter mistakes can help you increase engagement and grow followers on Twitter.

In this article, we will look at some of the most common Twitter mistakes that many new Twitter user make:

Not Tweeting at All

According to Twitter, 947 million Twitter accounts have never sent a tweet. This clearly indicates that so many new Twitter users create a Twitter account and never even send a tweet. Sending out tweets is the only way to make your account recognizable on Twitter. So, if you’re new to Twitter, don’t leave without tweeting.

Not Completing your Twitter Profile

An incomplete Twitter profile is a common problem on Twitter with users missing their header images, profile pictures, or Twitter bio. You must complete your Twitter profile, and also try to make it engaging so visitors to your account want to follow you.

6 Tips to Create Amazing Twitter Headers
The Twitter header is probably the most distinguished element of your Twitter profile and definitely worth your attention. Creating a Twitter profile could be confusing because people are unsure if they want to keep it personal or professional. Even brands can’t determine at times if they want to ke…

You can add some funny Twitter bios to your site or make creative headers to make your Twitter profile more attractive.

Tweeting Hate Tweets

If you’ve only joined Twitter to post hate speeches, then Twitter might not be for you. Your Twitter account could get suspended or people might unfollow your account if they don’t like your tweets. Posting hate speeches or harmful content is a violation of Twitter policy and something new Twitter users should avoid.

Posting Repetitive Tweets

Scheduling the same tweets, again and again, is also a newbie Twitter mistake that’s seen commonly. Twitter users are seen sharing the same tweets which only looks like spam. The aim to tweet on Twitter is to share exciting content that everyone would be interested in.

It would be best to schedule your tweets in advance so you know you’re not sending out repetitive tweets on consecutive hours or days. Circleboom is a simple Twitter scheduler that you can use to schedule your tweets effortlessly.

Not Using Hashtags Properly

Many new Twitter users tend to use hashtags either excessively or miss using hashtags in their tweets. Unlike Instagram, Twitter is not a hashtag-oriented platform. At the same time, Twitter hashtags great make tweets discoverable. Hence, it’s important to use hashtags wisely on Twitter.

How to use Twitter hashtags to find Ideal Accounts
Twitter hashtags are often undermined, understated, and less understood element of a Twitter post. Most of the Twitter accounts are not sure on how to use Twitter hashtags and ignore them completely. However, many Twitter statistics have confirmed and reiterated the benefits of using Twitter hashtag…

Twitter hashtags draws attention to your tweets.

Obsess about Twitter Followers and Unfollowers

Many new Twitter users greatly obsess with their Twitter followers and those who unfollow them. It might seem daunting to see people go or exciting to see new followers coming in. Many times,  people end up following and unfollowing excessively on Twitter to maintain their follower numbers. However, this is a practice that Twitter wants all its users to avoid. Using reliable tools like Circleboom can help you maintain your followers within Twitter guidelines.

A Healthy Alternative to Twitter Follow Bot
Many Twitter users turn to Twitter follow bots in hopes of quickly increasing their follower count by bulk following and unfollowing on Twitter. However, due to Twitter’s strict policies against automated and artificial growth, relying on a Twitter follow for follow bot can bring several risks.

Analyze your Twitter circle and define your strategy.

Final Words:

Twitter mistakes listed above are very common but something that you can easily avoid. Little diligence can make your Twitter profile impressive and get you, new followers. Twitter is about networking and building an image of yourself or your brand, so just remember that everything you write on Twitter really matters.

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Quickest ways to schedule tweets

How to search old tweets on Twitter

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.