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Quickest+Simplest Ways to Schedule Tweets

. 3 min read

Won’t life be simple if you could just schedule tweets in advance and rest while your tweets get retweets and comments? Managing your Twitter account can be incredibly simple if you schedule tweets and automate how your tweets are sent out.

Lucky for you, tools like Circleboom are the most affordable (read free) options to schedule tweets. Circleboom not just lets you schedule tweets, it also helps in automated sharing of articles from your Twitter account. Linking your RSS feeds to the Twitter account can also send out regular tweets from your Twitter account without moving a finger.

In this article, we will look at three different ways you can schedule tweets with Circleboom and how to do each of them.

Schedule Regular Tweets

Circleboom has a very simple interface to schedule your tweets with photos and videos. You can schedule your tweets by authenticating your account with the Circleboom dashboard.

Next, on the left menu, go to Publish -> Schedule a Tweet. You will be directed to create a tweet. Unlike many other Twitter schedulers, with Circleboom, you can also add videos and gifs to your tweets from the Circleboom dashboard.

schedule tweets

Then, you can either add the tweet to your queue or schedule them on a particular date/time. Your tweets will be scheduled and you can see all your scheduled/posted tweets at the sent/scheduled section.

schedule tweets

Schedule Article Sharing from your Twitter Account

Circleboom curates the best articles for you in the Circleboom dashboard from over 300 niches. This makes sharing articles a one-minute job. All you go to do is to find the best articles that you want to send out and add them to the queue.

To share articles, under “Publish”, click on “Articles” and if you are clicking on it for the first time, you will be asked to choose your area of interest.  

Click on “Select your Interests Now” to select your categories. You have to add a minimum of 5 interests to make sure that your feed has enough articles for you to choose from. Save your interests once done.

Now, set your queue and you can simply add the articles to the queue.

schedule tweets

Auto-post Content from RSS feeds on your Twitter

Cicleboom allows Twitter users to integrate up to 50 RSS feeds with their Twitter account. You can drive traffic to your website from Twitter by auto-publishing your blog posts on Twitter and sending users to your home page.

To connect your RSS feed with Twitter, select “RSS tweets” under “Publish” in the Circleboom dashboard. Copy your RSS feed URL and paste it to the URL box. You can add a hashtag or any text to your RSS Tweets whether at the beginning of the tweet or end of the tweet. Select the time interval to check your RSS feed. You can select from 15 minutes to 24 hours.

Final Words:

Scheduling tweets can be an inexpensive, no-brainer, and time-saver with Circleboom. Just use the publish feature to schedule all kinds of tweets on your Twitter. Learn more about Circleboom pricing and plans here.

If you have any queries using the Circleboom tool, share them with us in the comments below.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.