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A Healthy Alternative to Twitter Follow Bot

. 4 min read

Are you looking for the most effective Twitter follow bot tool to grow your Twitter account? Before you invest you money in any Twitter follow bot, allow me to present an alternative option to grow your Twitter profile.

My answer to a healthy alternative to any Twitter follow bot is Circleboom. The reason I call Circleboom a healthy alternative is because the tool is designed to make sure you follow all the Twitter rules while growing your Twitter profile.

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had a few bad days and I made my Twitter hell by posting the saddest tweets onthe earth. I look back at my Twitter account now and I feel it really makes myaccount look bad. Is there any way I can delete all my tweets from that time?” Voila! Yes, you totally can! Deleting tweets is not a big prob…

In one of my articles on Twitter account suspension, I mentioned in detail on how spamming and using bots can result in a permanent account suspension by Twitter.

These Twitter follow bots follow accounts based on hashtags or follow back or auto retweet. They do sound like big timesavers but if you actually begin using them, they are just another way to make your Twitter account appear as a bot to Twitter. In 2018, Twitter suspended about 70 million accounts in two months to clear fake and bot accounts from Twitter.

If you wish to grow your Twitter profile within the realms of Twitter, then let me explain how Circleboom can be an effective Twitter management tool.

The Easiest Twitter Archive Eraser: One-Click Delete!
Deleting tweets sometimes gets as important as posting tweets. When you send outtoo much content that you do not want to be reflected on your Twitter profileanymore, you look for ways to quickly get rid of them. What could be a betterway than erasing your Twitter archive? Circleboom is an effici…

Follow Targeted Twitter Accounts Using Hashtags and Keywords:

There are several ways how you can follow new accounts on Twitter using Circleboom. You can follow:

  • Twitter accounts not following back your account.
  • Get the list of followers and friends of any Twitter user and follow them.
  • Search new accounts with hashtags and keyword research to follow.

The best thing is that you can evaluate which followers to follow based on their follower-following numbers and tweet activity.

Twitter Unfollow Tool by Circleboom - Clean your Twitter Profile
Clean your Twitter Account, find and clean Spammers, Fakes and Inactive Twitter Accounts with Twitter Unfollow app. Manage and grow your Twitter account.

You can also try several hashtags and keywords to follow most relevant accounts. For example: if you’re a marketing blogger and you want to follow all those Twitter accounts who tweet on social media marketing, influencer marketing, you can just type these hashtags on Circleboom and find accounts to follow.

Don’t forget to use Circleboom’s blacklist feature to blacklist accounts that you do not want to see in the search results. This will save a lot of time and is a completely unique feature to Circleboom.

As Circleboom doesn’t permit bulk follows, your Twitter account will be safe from Twitter being treated as a suspicious bot. Just don’t engage in aggressing following while following Twitter accounts.

Unfollow Accounts that are Fake, Spam, or Inactive:

Circleboom makes it super simple for you to unfollow Twitter accounts from the Circleboom dashboard. You can unfollow:

  • Accounts who don’t follow back your Twitter account.
  • Fake Twitter accounts.
  • Inactive or spam accounts.
  • All the accounts you follow.

You can easily unfollow accounts from the Circleboom by clicking “Visit” button next to the Twitter user. Circleboom allows you to list each account individually as mass unfollowing is prohibited by Twitter. Because of this policy, it’s safe to unfollow Twitter accounts from Circleboom without any risk of account suspension.

Again, you have to be mindful and not engage in aggressive unfollowing Twitter accounts using Circleboom.

Delete Your Twitter History and Make a fresh start with Circleboom
Upload your tweet archive, select your criteria to filter it, and delete your Twitter history. We automatically delete your tweets history for you. You can delete your tweets, replies, and retweets all at once.

Final Words:

I have found over and over that using reliable tools that require some action to manage your social media are always more fruitful than automating the entire process. Using Twitter follow bot tool can seem like an easy option but not something you can use in the long-term.

Circleboom also helps you in managing your Twitter scheduling, automating your RSS feeds, and tracking Twitter performance with their analytics. There is a free trial plan and paid plans starting at $7,99 per month. There are corporate and business pricing plans as well.

If you have any questions regarding the article, please let me know in the comments below.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.