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How can I post YouTube Videos on Twitter automatically?

. 3 min read

Sharing your YouTube videos on Twitter is a great way to reach a wider audience, but doing it manually can be time-consuming. The good news is that you can automate the process by creating an RSS feed of your YouTube channel and connecting it to Twitter via Circleboom.

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This allows your YouTube videos to be posted on Twitter automatically, keeping your followers engaged without extra effort.

Why Auto-Post YouTube Videos to Twitter?

  • Saves time by eliminating the need for manual posting.
  • Ensures consistency by keeping your Twitter timeline active with fresh content.
  • Expands your reach by bringing YouTube videos to a new audience.
  • Drives engagement as Twitter users interact with your YouTube content.

How to Create an RSS Feed for Your YouTube Channel

I use to create an RSS Feed for any YouTube channel.

You can copy the URL of any YouTube channel and paste it here:

Fetch RSS - YouTube

When you click on "Get RSS", your RSS Feed will be ready!

Your Feed is Ready!
You can also create an RSS Feed link for a YouTube channel through the platform ⬇️
How to connect a Youtube RSS feed to your social media?
You can save a great deal of time and have an automated video feed by connecting Youtube RSS feeds to your social media accounts.

You will get the feed link and paste it into Circleboom!

How to Auto-Post YouTube Videos to Twitter with Circleboom

Once you have your RSS feed ready, follow these steps to connect it to Twitter via Circleboom:

Log in to Circleboom Publish: Go to Circleboom Publish and sign in to your account.

Connect Your Twitter Account: If you haven’t already, link your Twitter profile to Circleboom.

Go to the RSS Feed Section: In the dashboard, navigate to the RSS feed automation feature.

Paste Your YouTube RSS Feed URL: Add the RSS feed link you generated earlier.

RSS Feed - Circleboom

Set Up Posting Preferences: Choose how often new YouTube videos should be tweeted.

RSS Rules

Save and Activate: Once everything is set, Circleboom will automatically post your YouTube videos to Twitter.

Start Auto-Tweeting YouTube Videos Today!

By setting up YouTube RSS to Twitter automation with Circleboom, you can keep your Twitter followers updated with your latest YouTube videos without any manual work.

This is an efficient way to grow your audience, increase engagement, and maintain a strong social media presence across both platforms.

Altug Altug

I focus on developing strategies for digital marketing, content management, and social media. A part-time gamer! Feel free to ask questions via [email protected] or X (@altug_seo)