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Tweet ideas/inspiration for brands and influencers on Twitter

. 5 min read

Deciding what to tweet can be a real hustle! But, what if we give you all the possible variations so you have multiple options when posting your tweet? This article will make scheduling tweets the easiest process for you. Check out some of our bright ideas below and use them to easily plan months of tweets.

How to Create a Twitter Content Calendar
Do you find it hard to tweet on a regular basis? Most of the days seem to passwith the thoughts of tweeting but not sending out a single tweet? Creating aTwitter content calendar on a weekly or monthly basis is the best way to postyour content on Twitter. There are several benefits of scheduling…

Share pro-tips:

Pro-tips are perfect if you want to establish your reputation amongst your followers and give them a reason to follow you. If your pro tips are helpful, then your followers will be eager to read and share your expert tweets. Make sure your pro tips are factually correct to avoid any embarrassment.

Share valuable content:

Don’t miss the opportunity of educating your Twitter audience by sharing valuable blog posts, meaning content with them. You can automate sharing of blog posts by integrating RSS feeds to your Twitter account with the help of Circleboom. You can also curate meaningful articles with Circleboom’s article curator and schedule months of content in advance.

How to effortlessly schedule Twitter posts
Twitter management is all about time management. Sending out tweets at the righttime is crucial to any Twitter account that wants to increase its followers andengagement. When you queue tweets, make sure that your tweets are going out atthe required times without making any effort. While there a…

Tweet positive brand news:

Your brand just got a mention in Forbes? Or are you just participating in some of the best local events? Let your Twitter audience be updated with all the positive brand news. Whether it’s a new website, new discount, or a new cat, keep sharing what your company is up to.

Retweet user-generated content:

Your customers can’t keep talking about you? Or do you have a new mention from a blogger or another influencer? Whenever someone mentions you on Twitter, maybe by sharing your products or reviewing your work, retweet their post. You can track all your mentions on Twitter analytics to make sure you don't miss any.

Increase engagement with memes and GIFs:

Want your audience to engage more with your tweets? Find your funny bone and start tweeting funny jokes, memes, and GIFs. People love humor on Twitter and this will help you build a connection with your followers.

Ask a question/poll:

This is the ideal way to know your customers and get them to engage with your content. Asking questions on creating polls is also helpful in understanding your customer’s perception of your brand. For influencers, polls can help them create content that their audience mostly resonates with. So, set a few questions for your coming weeks.

Go live:

Go live with a Q&A session or give your followers a behind-the-scenes or maybe some form of entertainment for them. Twitter live is an interesting way to connect with your followers and let them know the human behind you.

Remove Inactive Twitter Accounts in 2 steps!
Twitter has been influenced by bots [/healthy-alternative-twitter-follow-bot/] for such a long time that it’s hard to know how many Twitter users are real. I’msure if anyone of you will perform a Twitter audit[/fake-followers-twitter-audit/] right now, you will be shocked by the number offake an…


Retweeting on Twitter is as important as sharing regular tweets. When you retweet, make sure to retweet with a comment so you can amplify your message and make your retweets interesting too.

How to Delete Tweets by Date
Do you want to delete that one specific tweet that you posted in the month ofDecember last year? Or, you can’t get enough time to delete all your tweets from2017? Or, whether it’s that one tweet you published on last valentine’s thatneeds to be erased? Whatever your reason may be to delete tweet…

Schedule and make Twitter easier for you

We have seen quite a lot of content that you can share on Twitter and get your Twitter account famous. However, this can be a lot of hardwork and mess if you don’t plan your tweets in advance. Using a reliable Twitter tool like Circleboom can help you schedule your tweets well in advance and plan content effectively. So, check out Circleboom publish and make Twitter easier.

Free Twitter Scheduler to Schedule your Tweets
As Twitter is a fast-paced network, research says that a user can send out anaverage of 12 tweets per day[] to boostengagement on their Twitter profile. Hence, it’s a must for every busy Twitteruser to use a Twitter scheduler and sche…

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.