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Who Should I Follow on Twitter

. 4 min read

You just created your brand new Twitter account and now you are lost amongst those millions of accounts as to who to follow on Twitter? Twitter would recommend to you some famous celebrities and accounts to follow. But, what if you want to follow Twitter accounts that you can actually connect with?

In this article, we will look at some amazing ways to help you find accounts that would be ideal for you to follow on Twitter. To do so, we will use Circleboom, a Twitter compliant app that makes using Twitter easier. Finding the same Twitter accounts can take hours on Twitter and seconds on Circleboom with their advanced search filter. With Circeboom, we will be able to find Twitter accounts to follow by location, language, keywords, and hashtags.

How to Delete your Twitter Archive/ History
Circleboom has just released a new Twitter feature that would make deleting yourTwitter archive the simplest task. If you want to delete your entire Twitterhistory or old tweets or replies, it can be done now. Whether you have tweets from 2010 that need your attention or you want to deleteall yo…

Follow Twitter Accounts from a Particular Location:

A lot of Twitter users prefer to follow Twitter accounts from their city or country. This is helpful for them when these users follow them back and they create close-knit Twitter friends from their area. They also prefer this when they create tweets that are relevant to people in their area.

For example, you have a small handmade store in Dallas, and you want to promote your products to the people in your city. In this case, the best strategy would be to follow Twitter accounts in your city.

To do so, log in to the Circleboom app, and go to “Search” -> “Smart Search.” Search for Twitter accounts interested in handmade goods by adding the keyword “handmade” in the search box and add the location “Dallas” in the location box. Circleboom will filter all the accounts for you in your location interested in the keyword.

4 Surefire Ways to Identify Fake Twitter Accounts
Fake Twitter accounts are the most misleading Twitter accounts to follow as theymight seem like real active users until you observe their accounts and find themas just bots. Majority of Twitter users are unknowingly following fake Twitteraccounts for years without having the slightest idea. If y…
who to follow on Twitter

Follow Twitter Accounts using Keywords:

You can also follow Twitter accounts in your niche or accounts with similar interests by searching for keywords. With Circleboom’s Smart Search, you can search for as many keywords you want to find the right Twitter accounts.

The Circleboom’s Smart Search will search for keywords in the Twitter account’s name, bio, profile, and tweets. Anyone using the hashtags and keywords will be listed.

You can also filter your search results by:

  • Follower numbers of the Twitter account
  • Location
  • Language
  • Number of tweets

The smart search is one of the fastest methods out there to find who to follow. If you have an idea of who to follow, you can get it done with Circleboom.

Remove Inactive Twitter Accounts in 2 steps!
Twitter has been influenced by bots [/healthy-alternative-twitter-follow-bot/] for such a long time that it’s hard to know how many Twitter users are real. I’msure if anyone of you will perform a Twitter audit[/fake-followers-twitter-audit/] right now, you will be shocked by the number offake an…

Do you want to follow all the Twitter accounts tweeting on a trending hashtag? Or anybody who posts frequently using a hashtag? With Circleboom’s Live Search, you can quickly find a list of all the Twitter accounts tweeting using a particular hashtag at present.

To follow Twitter accounts using hashtags, go to the Circleboom menu, select “Search” -> select “Live Search.” Enter the hashtag in the search box and all the accounts using the hashtag will be listed.

who to follow on Twitter

Follow Now!

With the tips mentioned above, you can quickly follow more than thousands of accounts without a lot of effort. By simply knowing the kind of accounts you want to follow, and entering the hashtags or keywords on Circleboom, you would have your list. Then, you can shortlist your accounts by filtering results like removing inactive accounts, spam accounts, and following legit ones.

If you have difficulties in using Circleboom in finding new accounts to follow on Twitter, you can refer to the help section or share your queries in the comments below.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.