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Analyze an account's Twitter followers (Any public account!)

. 5 min read
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Analyze any account's Twitter followers with Circleboom Twitter


Ever wondered who's following your favorite celebrity, brand, or competitor on Twitter? Analyzing another account's followers can provide valuable insights into their audience, demographics, and engagement patterns, and overall influence.

Understanding follower analysis: Why analyze an account's Twitter followers?

By examining another account's follower base, you can:

  • Identify target audience: Understand the demographics and behaviors of their followers.
  • Benchmark your own account: Compare your follower base to theirs and identify areas for improvement.
  • Discover potential partners: Find accounts with overlapping audiences for collaborations or cross-promotions.
For more info on collaborations or cross-promotions, please check our following guide:
Twitter Influencer Marketing Guide: Find Influencers on X!
There are many ways to find influencers on Twitter, but I will try to highlight the easiest and most cost-effective ones!

Key metrics to analyze

When analyzing another account's Twitter followers, focus on these key metrics:

  • Engagement rates: How often do their followers interact with their content? Are they seeing high engagement rates?
Twitter Tweet Engagement Rate Calculator
Boost your Twitter visibility and influence by understanding and improving your engagement rates. Calculate your Twitter tweet engagement rate!

  • Follower overlap: Do you share followers with this account? If so, what does this overlap tell you about your target audience?
How to find common followers between Twitter accounts without coding
Comparing Twitter accounts and finding common followers is a powerful social media management and marketing strategy.

  • Demographics: What is the demographics distribution of their followers? This will make you get a deeper understanding.
How to find correct follower demographics on Twitter!
You should have correct demographic data about your Twitter followers to know them well and shape your strategy accordingly if you want to succeed!

  • Activity levels: Are they actively engaged or more passive, or, in other words, inactive?
Find Inactive Twitter Accounts In 3 Easy Steps!
Circleboom is a Twitter management tool that can help you clean up your Twitter account by finding unfollowers and inactives.

  • Verification: What portion of the followers are verified accounts?
How to List Someone’s Verified (Blue Ticked) Followers on Twitter
I’m sure you get excited every time you see a verified or blue ticked Twitter account on your feed. So, wouldn’t it be perfect if you could get the list of verified followers/friends of other Twitter accounts?

  • Genuinity: And what portion are fake / bot accounts? They might have been bought followers.
Analyze Twitter followers for bots with these methods!
Knowing how to analyze Twitter followers for bots is crucial to maintaining a genuine and engaged following. See all about it here.

  • Influencer analysis: Are there any prominent influencers or celebrities following this account?
How to Find Twitter Influencers for Free: Step-by-Step Guide
Twitter influencers have been known to influence 49% of the purchase decisions of their followers. Other statistics claim that 1/3 of Twitter users engage with influencers and celebrities on the platform. This is how influencers have shaped up the world of those who follow them. The research holds a

Drawing insights and applying lessons

Once you've analyzed another account's followers, ask yourself:

  • Who is their target audience?
  • How does their audience compare to yours?
  • What can you learn from their engagement tactics?
  • Are there any opportunities for collaboration or cross-promotion?

How to analyze an account's Twitter followers

While X doesn't provide direct access to another account's analytics, you can sometimes infer information from publicly available data.

But even then, the number of followers you can see is limited, as you are unable to see all of someone's followers. Not natively on X, at least.

So, even if you want to analyze it manually, the insights you'll be getting will be quite limited.

That's why you may need a comprehensive Twitter management tool like Circleboom Twitter.

Analyze an account's Twitter followers with Circleboom

Circleboom offers a detailed analysis of any account's followers, including demographics, genuinity, and many other details.

With Circleboom, you can search for any profile to see its full follower and following list on Twitter.

Then you can export these followers into a CSV file that you'll become able to work on offline and in more detail.

  • Within that file, you can see how many of an account's followers are verified, telling you how strong that account is.
  • You can also see how many of those followers are fake or inactive. It may indicate whether that profile has bought followers or not.
  • The file will tell you the locations of those accounts also, giving you hints about the locations, languages, and the time zones of the followers or followings of any X profile.
  • By looking at the follower and following count of those accounts that are provided within that list also, you can infer the influential accounts for potential collaboration.
  • You can compare any two exported Twitter follower lists, or a list with your own followers to check the commonalities and overlaps as well as the key differences.

See an example of an exported follower list below:

Circleboom's features don't end here though! It also offers tweet deletion, AI tweet generator, Twitter list manager, and much more!

Final words

By analyzing an account's Twitter followers, you can gain valuable insights into their audience and improve your own strategy on X (Twitter).

Always remember to be ethical and respectful when analyzing other accounts.

And always keep in mind that Circleboom Twitter has a lot of features to help out if you want to analyze an account's Twitter followers.

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.