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Analyze Twitter followers for bots with these methods!

. 5 min read

This article provides detailed insights into why and how to analyze Twitter followers for bots. However, if you're short on time and want to skip the lengthy read, you can start analyzing Twitter followers for bots right away with this shortcut solution. ⬇️:

Button Example Find Your Bot Followers

For any Twitter user, knowing how to analyze Twitter followers for bots is crucial to maintaining a genuine and engaged following. Because Twitter bots are becoming a real issue nowadays, especially if bots keep following you over and over again!

So, how can you sniff out the bots and cultivate a thriving community of real people? Let's dive in!

Signs of Twitter bot activity

Bots can be sneaky, but there are some tell-tale signs to watch for:

  • Generic usernames and bios: Think strings of letters and numbers, or bios that are just a bunch of emojis. Real people tend to personalize their profiles!
  • Suspicious activity: Does a follower suddenly go on a retweeting spree, then fall silent for days? Bots often have erratic tweeting patterns.
  • No profile picture or tweets: This is a dead giveaway. Real people (usually) have a face and something to say!
  • Following way too many accounts: Bots often cast a wide net, following thousands of accounts with little engagement.
Watch out for your profile, content, follow ratio, and engagement levels too, as you may also be looking like a bot!

Why You Need to Analyze Twitter Followers for Bots

Identifying bots among your followers is essential for several reasons:

  • Engagement accuracy: Genuine engagement metrics help you understand your audience better.
  • Credibility: A high number of bot followers can damage your credibility.
  • Security: Some bots can pose security risks by spreading malware.

How to analyze Twitter followers for bots

These methods may not always yield the perfect result for you. Plus, it would be quite time-consuming to check the profile of each and every follower for these signs.

But as I spoiled at the very beginning, Circleboom gives you the ultimate Twitter bot checker on top of its numerous other features. You can detect your bot followers with a few simple clicks via Circleboom and then the rest will be up to you: Soft block them to remove them from following you, completely block them, or even report their profiles for spammy activity!

A Full Guide to Remove Followers on Twitter (Desktop/iPhone)
There are a couple of ways to make someone unfollow you on Twitter and Circleboom Twitter provides the safest and easiest way to remove your Twitter followers.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to analyze Twitter followers for bots:

  1. Login to Circleboom Twitter and connect your Twitter account.
  2. Navigate to the left menu to click "Fake/Bot Followers" under the "Followers" section.
  3. Your followers will be listed before you. You can visit their profiles one by one to take any action needed.

Bonus: Analyze fake Twitter followers

Fake profiles are just like Twitter bots, showing similar signs but can even be more sneaky because, unlike bots, they are not run by machines but by humans.

Depending on their true intentions, they may be more or less harmful than bots, but you definitely wouldn't want them as your followers, again, for similar reasons. Read more on that here:

How To Spot Fake Twitter Followers in 2024
Let’s end your wait and introduce you to the way to analyze these pro tips to spot fake Twitter followers. But to know these pro tips you just have to read the article till the end.

Lucky that Circleboom also shows you who your fake Twitter followers are. Plus, it offers a free fake profile analyzer where you can just type in the handle and check whether the profile is genuine or not.

And on top of analyzing your Twitter followers for bots and fakes, you can conduct a more in-depth Twitter follower analysis with Circleboom, including the data of;

You can also see a global view of your Twitter audience's geographical distribution.

  • The time zones of your followers,


But there is still more to Circleboom Twitter! See all its features here:

Final words on analyzing Twitter followers for bots

A smaller, engaged audience is way more valuable than a massive one full of bots. By focusing on real connections, you'll build a thriving Twitter community that amplifies your voice and makes your social media experience truly rewarding.

Don't sweat the follower count! Focus on the quality of your interactions, not the quantity of your followers.

P.S. Here are some further readings on fake/bot followers:

How can I check my fake, spam, and inactive followers?
Circleboom, a Twitter account management tool, enables you to clean up your account from bottom to top.

How to remove bot/fake/inactive/ghost Twitter accounts
Inactive accounts do not engage with your Twitter account. It’s best to remove ghost Twitter followers and friends save your Twitter account from spammers.

I bought fake Twitter and Instagram followers! How can I remove them all?
You’ve ever made a mistake and bought fake followers? Now, don’t know how to get rid of them? You’re in the right place to find out how to remove fake followers from your Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.