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Why You Should Avoid Bulk Follows and Bulk Unfollows on Twitter

. 2 min read

Some of our users ask why we do not allow bulk following and unfollowing on Circleboom. Indeed,  this is beyond our will and is literally related to Twitter’s rules and policies. Since 2013, Twitter has explicitly mentioned the potential account suspension for engaging in follow/unfollow churns. So we stopped offering such a feature due to Twitter's strict guidelines and the risk of account suspension associated with bulk unfollow services. Twitter does not permit any automated or bulk following or unfollowing behavior to protect the platform from spammy behavior. This policy also goes on under Elon Musk after the platform became X. So Circleboom recommends handling unfollows individually in order to ensure your account's safety and compliance with Twitter's policies.

The automation rules for the users are described in Twitter’s General guidelines and policies, which clarifies all the questions:

You are ultimately responsible for the actions taken with your account, or by applications associated with your account. Before authorizing a third-party application to access or use your account, make sure you’ve thoroughly investigated the application and understand what it will do. If automated activity on your account violates the Twitter Rules or these automation rules, Twitter may take action on your account, including filtering your Tweets from search results or suspending your account.

What is the aggressive following and follow churn?

According to Twitter’s official definition, it is “Repeatedly following and unfollowing large numbers of other accounts.”

If you don’t follow or unfollow hundreds of accounts in a single day, and you aren’t using automated methods of following accounts, you should be fine. Due to the regulations mentioned above, bulk follows, and bulk unfollows are prohibited in all Twitter ecosystem, whether you use Twitter’s own applications or a third-party app like Circleboom.

You can use all the features and tools of Circleboom with confidence. Because all features and tools of Circleboom are developed and act to be in compliance with Twitter rules. We always strive to protect our users’ accounts from being suspended and warn them for aggressive-following behavior.

That’s why when you open your “friends list” or “followers list” in Circleboom, you need to click each “visit”  button individually to visit their profiles on Twitter and follow or unfollow them.

When you search the internet, you may come upon with some applications which provide bulk follow or bulk unfollow features regardless of Twitter’s rules & policies. Please note that Twitter monitors all the accounts for aggressive or automated following and follow churn, and takes action both against the users and applications who try to abuse the system, usually banning them as a result. That’s why we strongly advise you not to use those kinds of unauthorized applications or tools.

At Circleboom, we listen to our users very carefully and care about their concerns. We use our own products with our personal accounts as well as our brand accounts on a daily basis. That’s why we put our service quality and user experience on top of our priority list. We’re committed to our product, and every day, we’re working all to make it even greater!

Happy Circlebooming 🙂

Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia