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How to mass unfollow Twitter accounts?

. 6 min read

Do you need to mass unfollow people on Twitter? Do it with Circleboom now! ⬇️

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of tweets flooding your Twitter feed? That was me not too long ago. At first, following hundreds of accounts seemed like a great idea—so much information, so many perspectives! But as time passed, my feed became chaotic, and I realized something had to change. This is the story of how I tackled the problem and found a solution.

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So, you may be wondering who they are! Or, for some reason, you want to follow the brand new created Twitter accounts. For example, you may want to follow the newest accounts about ‘soccer.’

The Problem of My Twitter Journey

When I first joined Twitter, I was excited. The platform offered a world of information and connections at my fingertips. I eagerly followed accounts related to my interests—tech news, favorite celebrities, insightful thinkers, and friends. My feed was a treasure trove of content, constantly updating and bringing fresh perspectives.

However, as my list of followed accounts grew, so did the clutter. My once-curated feed turned into an overwhelming torrent of tweets. I missed important updates from friends and struggled to keep up with the content I cared about. The joy of scrolling through Twitter was replaced by frustration. That's when I decided it was time to clean up my feed.

You can mute them if you don’t want to unfollow someone but still don’t want to see their tweets. Learn how with this Guide!
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There are three ways of using Twitter Mute. You can mute tweets/conversations you are tagged within, you can mute words on Twitter and stop them from appearing on your Twitter timeline, and you can completely mute someone on Twitter.

Searching for a Solution to Mass Unfollow Twitter Accounts

Initially, I tried manually unfollowing accounts. But with hundreds of accounts to sift through, this was impractical and time-consuming. I spent hours trying to make a dent, but it felt like an endless chore. Desperation set in as I searched for a more efficient solution, only to be met with limited options and rising frustration.

One day, while browsing through various tech forums, I stumbled upon Circleboom Twitter. It promised to streamline the process of managing Twitter accounts, including mass unfollowing. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try. The features sounded promising: easy account selection, user-friendly interface, and efficient execution.

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What are the right strategies to boost Twitter engagement? I have a few simple and amazing tips to get you started.

What is Circleboom Twitter?

Circleboom Twitter is a comprehensive Twitter management tool designed to help users organize, manage, and optimize their Twitter accounts. It offers a range of features that make it easy to delete old tweets, manage followers, and improve overall account performance. Some of its key features include:

These features make Circleboom Twitter an invaluable tool for anyone looking to clean up their Twitter account and start fresh without losing their followers and other important account settings.

How to Safely Unfollow Twitter Accounts with Circleboom

Circleboom can help you unfollow the right accounts by giving you lists of Twitter accounts:

-> Fake or spam Twitter accounts
-> Inactive accounts
-> Overactive Twitter accounts
-> Eggheads
-> All your Friends

To unfollow any of these accounts, follow the steps below:

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter and connect your Twitter account if you haven't already.

You can easily register now if you don't have a Circleboom account.

Step #2: Then, hover on the Friends tab under the left menu.

You can select fake/spam, inactive, overactive, and eggheads from there, depending on the accounts you want to unfollow. You can also list who doesn't follow you back.

Step #3: You can also list all your friends and filter them out with many advanced filters of Circleboom.

Let's say you'll go with fakes/spams and inactives.

Step #4: Once selected, Circleboom will list all the relevant accounts on your dashboard.

You can visit each account's Twitter profile and unfollow them there. You might also want to mute or block them.

Once you have these accounts before you, you can also choose to add them to your Twitter lists or export them into CSV, both without having to leave the platform.

Circleboom is now an official partner of Twitter (X), bringing exciting new features. One of the highlights is the upcoming "One-Click Mass Unfollow," allowing users to manage their Twitter following efficiently with a single click. Stay tuned for more updates as Circleboom continues to enhance your social media experience.

The Aftermath

The changes in my Twitter feed were immediate and noticeable. My feed was cleaner, more relevant, and easier to manage. I no longer felt overwhelmed by the flood of tweets. Instead, I could focus on the content that truly mattered to me. This experience taught me the importance of staying selective and proactive about managing my online presence.

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New year, but same old problems? Well, Twitter unfollow is a constant issue for many Twitter users ever since they join Twitter. When you lose followers despite doing everything right, it can be frustrating.  Another issue follows when you want to unfollow Twitter accounts who unfollowed you o…


Looking back, I realize that taking control of my Twitter feed was one of the best decisions I made for my online experience. Circleboom Twitter made it possible to declutter my feed without the hassle of manual unfollowing. If you are in a similar situation, I encourage you to take the plunge and streamline your Twitter feed. Trust me, it's worth it.

Circleboom Twitter

Circleboom enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their Twitter accounts.


Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content. [email protected]

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