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How to create & schedule LinkedIn polls!

How to create & schedule LinkedIn polls!

. 7 min read

What do you do to find out people’s opinions on specific topics? The answer is simple: ask them! They are more open to answering the questions when they are presented with options to select. And the idea of polls is coming from this!

Creating polls on social media is a popular way to learn what others think about subjects that matter to you. Or, you just have fun asking “mock” questions to get engagement and profile visits. Twitter polls are, for example, mostly used to attract people’s attention and drive traffic to your profile for product sales, newsletter members, etc.

LinkedIn polls, on the other hand, can be a great source to draw a business strategy for your profession. LinkedIn is a business networking platform, so people are more likely to answer questions with their true feelings and opinions.

This should encourage you to create and schedule LinkedIn polls!

How to create and schedule LinkedIn polls

You can create polls on LinkedIn, but you can’t schedule them. That means you need to use another platform. The option is Circleboom Publish!

It is a social media publishing and scheduling tool that supports LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google My Business, and TikTok.

You can add and manage multiple accounts from these platforms in the same dashboard.

So, let’s find out how to create and schedule LinkedIn polls on Circleboom by following these steps:

Step#1: Go to Circleboom and log into your Publish account.

If you don’t have it yet, you can create it in a few clicks!

Step#2: If it is the first time, you will see all social media platforms supported by Circleboom. There you should select LinkedIn.

You have two options: LinkedIn Profile and LinkedIn Company Page. You can manage multiple LinkedIn accounts on Circleboom and create your LinkedIn polls.

Step#3: On the dashboard, navigate to the left and open up the “Create New Post” menu.

You’ll see “Create LinkedIn Specific Post or Poll.” Please click on it.

Step#4: You’ll be directed to the poll creation screen. There you should first select your LinkedIn profile(s) and/or Company Page(s).

You can select multiple.

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts.

Step#5: Then, you will make the post type “LinkedIn Poll.”

And, you will decide “who can see your poll.”  That can be “anyone,” “connections only,” or “LinkedIn users only.”

Create your LinkedIn poll

Step#6: In this step, you are creating your LinkedIn poll. First, write down your question.  Your character limit for the poll question is 140.

Then add your answer options. That can be min. 2 and max. 4. For each option, the character limit is 30. Also, you will define the poll duration. It can be “1 day, 3 days, 1 week, or 2 weeks”.

Bonus: You can take the first comment as you are creating your LinkedIn poll. This will give you more space to explain yourself and use keywords to attract people’s attention.

First comment option

Step#7 Once you finish your LinkedIn poll, you can publish it immediately or schedule it for a later time.

Or, you can add to your queue and automate your LinkedIn poll within set time intervals. Alternatively, you can save your poll as a “draft” to continue working on later.

LinkedIn post scheduler

If you want to find out what is the best time to post your poll on LinkedIn, you can check our article here:

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn: The Optimum Days and Hours
Determining the best time to post on LinkedIn is crucial. It is also important to give you a clue for the best times of day to post on LinkedIn.

Also, you can watch our video guide for more details:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These are the most common questions about LinkedIn polls.

Who can see my vote, and what do they see?

The survey's creator can see how you voted (i.e., the person or organization who posts the poll). How you vote in polls made by a company through a LinkedIn Page is visible to the Page's administrators. Polls will be available for Groups, but not every admin of a Group will be able to see who voted. Only the poll creator can see the results of a poll created in a LinkedIn Group. Although LinkedIn only shares your vote with the poll's creator, we cannot guarantee that they won't reveal it to anyone else.

What information is visible to voters or other LinkedIn members?

After the poll closes, anyone who is qualified to view the post can view the total aggregate responses in a percentage format. After casting their ballots, voters will be able to view the total aggregate responses in a percentage format. The number of votes cast for each option and the overall aggregate results is shown to poll creators in a percentage format.

Do the polls I've voted in appear under "Activity"?

No, they won’t be under your profile's “Activity” section.

Is it possible to create a LinkedIn poll on desktop and mobile?

Yes, you can create a LinkedIn poll on both devices.

How many options can I add to a LinkedIn poll?

The maximum number of poll options is 4.

How many votes can one person cast?

A member can only cast one vote at a time in a poll. If a participant withdraws their vote before the poll closes, they may vote again as long as the poll is open.

Can administrators of LinkedIn Pages make polls?

Yes, LinkedIn Pages' super admins have the ability to make polls.

Can you update a poll?

A poll cannot be changed once it has been created. After it has been created, a poll may be deleted.

Can I reopen a poll that has already ended?

A poll cannot be reopened after it has been closed.

Can LinkedIn Pages participate in polls?

Yes, a super admin for a LinkedIn Page may cast a ballot on the page's behalf.

Can the poll's creator cast a ballot in their own poll?

Yes, the poll's creator has the ability to vote and remove their own vote.

Can I edit or cancel my vote?

Voters in polls have until the poll's closing to amend or withdraw their selections by clicking or tapping Undo. Voters may cancel their votes after a poll has ended by clicking or pressing Remove vote on the poll. By visiting the poll author's profile's Activity section, you might be able to find the poll you voted for.

Will the results of the poll be communicated to the author? Can you disable the notification?

Yes, the app will inform the author of the initial and subsequent votes. Through the Responses to your posts, comments, and polls feature, vote notifications can be disabled.

Who will be informed when a poll is created?

Your connections will be notified when you create a poll.

Is there any material that is prohibited?

Authors of surveys may not request sensitive information (nor ask for data for the purpose of inferring sensitive data). Sensitive information includes, for instance, race, ethnic origin, religious, political, or philosophical beliefs, sexual preference or lifestyle, physical and mental health, union membership, affiliation with a particular religion or political organization, precise geolocation, and anything else that is deemed sensitive by law (such as the GDPR).

Authors of polls must always abide by LinkedIn's policies, including our "Do's and Don'ts" and Professional Community Guidelines.

Can polls that are insulting or inappropriate be reported?

Learn more about how to report polls that are insulting or inappropriate.

Can you add an image to a Linkedin poll?

You can tag people and use hashtags because it is regarded the same as other post types. No extra media, such as pictures or videos, can be added. Before posting, you may make changes to your poll by clicking the pencil symbol.

Can you create a LinkedIn ad with a poll?

You can develop surveys to find out what people think about a new product launch or a company's most recent advertising campaign.

Final Words

You may create a poll on LinkedIn, but if you want to schedule your LinkedIn poll, you should definitely use Circleboom Publish. Thanks to the LinkedIn scheduler, Circleboom allows you to create amazing regular LinkedIn posts and polls to publish immediately or schedule for a later time.

You can create and schedule LinkedIn polls for your multiple LinkedIn Profiles and LinkedIn Company Pages.

If you want to take advantage of this and many other unique features on Circleboom, you can do it at affordable prices.

Altug Altug

I focus on developing strategies for digital marketing, content management, and social media. A part-time gamer! Feel free to ask questions via [email protected] or X (@altug_seo)