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How to Drive Twitter Traffic to Your Website

How to Drive Twitter Traffic to Your Website

. 7 min read

Want to get more traffic for your website?

Still, Confused to choose a social media platform to grab more traffic to your website?

Then let’s begin with the top most used social media platform which is the most efficient and effective platform for marketing and business. One with extremely powerful capabilities to drive audience reach, increase visibility, and works best when it comes to driving traffic to your content, blogs, or websites. That is none other than Twitter.

Twitter is termed as the best platform for becoming famous and for promoting content all across the world within just seconds. And if you have not been able to use Twitter as the best platform for marketing then you might be missing something or you are not aware of its cool and powerful marketing strategies and tactics which are the best to drive more public engagement from all across the world.

Getting more audience to your business account or website is the best way to make your business flourish in just a short period because it is the point where sales are done. So using social media platforms is the only way to increase your sales and drive more traffic to your business websites.

If you are not still aware of Twitter and its marketing strategies like audience engagement and grabbing traffic capabilities then there is a super quick and extremely useful tool i. e Circleboom which is the ultimate platform to help you with some simple and easy-to-follow steps to get your desired results with its some of the best and effective tools and strategies. These tools not only help you increase your audience growth but also let you see and evaluate your Twitter following boosting up.

Why CircleBoom is The Best Twitter Management Tool:
Circleboom is mainly a Twitter managing tool. This incredible web-application is perfectly designed for providing the best solution for Twitter lovers to manage their accounts conveniently with spending much time or money.

Want to Drive Traffic From Twitter Account?

Let’s end your wait and introduce you to the best social platform “TWITTER” which provides its users with the best way to reach more people and drive traffic.

Make Twitter Profile Remarkable:

Before using social media platforms as a business and marketing place you need to make sure that your profile picture and username or slogan are not uncommon but recognizable and memorable.

And you have just seconds to leave the first thought about yourself to the audience, so you need to focus on your profile and its bio that must explain who you are to the world. Always include your website link and blog link in the bio and use easy, short, and consistent names for your business account and websites that are as close to your brand’s name and make it attractive, unique, and catchy so that people can recall, search and visit it easily. This will help you make your website and account stand out and to drive traffic on a large scale.

Remove Inactive Twitter Accounts in 2 steps!
Twitter has been influenced by bots [/healthy-alternative-twitter-follow-bot/] for such a long time that it’s hard to know how many Twitter users are real. I’msure if anyone of you will perform a Twitter audit[/fake-followers-twitter-audit/] right now, you will be shocked by the number offake an…

There are many ways to add your website's URL to your profile with each post so that people may see it and visit your profile. But this may be time taking activity for the users to find the website and visit it. There is another way to drag your audience directly without any effort. You can easily quote or include your website links in the bio so that anyone can approach your website and visit its home page directly. This is another yet the top most used trick to drag traffic towards your website.

Promote Quality Content:

The third secret after adding a URL is quality content. So if you want to grab an audience for your account and website then give them the most relevant content that they want to see. Because when there is a talk about public engagement then it is not all about sharing whatever content you want to post but it is all about sharing reality-based quality content.

As real content is what people follow you for and visit your profiles and websites. And if you want to drive your traffic by promoting quality content then it is very important to keep everything clear and real because if you keep people engaged and attracted to the product and content it will drive more public engagement towards your profiles so that they visit your websites and profile at large scale.

And if you are still confused about how to publish quality content then don’t panic, you can also check Circleboom which helps you to publish high-quality content on your profile with its amazing tool “social media publisher”. As this tool is just one click away.

Why Circleboom’s Publish Tool is the Talk of the Town
Circleboom [] team decided to take their Twitterpublishing to another level, and wow! The new Twitter publishing feature ofCircleboom is one of the best so far with its capability to make posting onTwitter as easy as a click for you. Before I go ahead and explain the aweso…

Find the Best Time to Post:

This step is also important if you want more followers and visits to your account. For this, you just need to know about the exact timings that when your followers check their accounts. Everyone has a different time to post so to get as much reach as possible, try tweeting frequently without gaps of days and weeks.  And try to figure out the best-desired timings when your followers are more likely to engage with your posts and give more impressions on your website.

Other than this you can also use Circleboom to know the best timings to post content and to drive more traffic to your links.

Can you Bulk Delete Twitter Likes? Yes, in just 2 steps!
Looking for the fastest way to unlike all tweets? Want to bulk delete Twitterlikes? At times, you would want to delete old likes because you do not want anyassociation with that account/topic/person/idea. At such times, using a toolthat can quickly delete Twitter likes for you can be most benefic…

The best way to boost public engagement is to create blog-hosted campaigns and contests so that more people get attracted to your content because of giveaway prizes and its unique advertising methods. Tweeting about your contest more times creates more audience engagement and creates a good chance for new people to visit your profile and click your website to check the giveaway type and its content.

It’s better to conduct a contest on your Twitter account by tweeting and setting a giveaway prize for your brand product if your website is more about business and branding. As it is the best way to engage and drive more traffic towards your website and business.

Increase Audience Engagement:

After considering all the above-mentioned points it is right to say responding to tweets and audience queries is the best way to boost engagement and give your profile and website more traffic. Responding to your followers increases the possibility that they might retweet and keep themselves in touch with your blog posts and content. As customers want attention and quality care service so it’s very important for gaining followers and making connections by listening to them and providing them with quality customer care services.

Final Words:

Twitter is the most active and effective marketing platform with millions of users. And serves as the best place to target a huge audience and reach more people in such a short time and win their trust. Also serves as the ultimate platform to create brand awareness by tweeting within such a short time throughout the world.

Still Confused, How to drive traffic from Twitter?

Then you can also visit the Circleboom blog to knowing better audience engagement tactics and for using the tools and information provided on its platform.

How to Download Twitter Videos
Want to download your favorite Twitter videos on your PC? Tired of tryingdifferent tools but nothing helps? This article is for you because it’s going toprovide you with the best solution for downloading your desired Twitter videosinstantly and free of charge! Sounds cool? Let’s begin! Can you …

Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia