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Should you Hire Twitter Influencers? Pros and Cons

. 4 min read

Influencer marketing has become an $8 billion industry in 2019 with brands rushing to invest in influencers. Hiring Instagram influencers has been the trend across industries, but hiring Twitter influencers is on the rise too.

As per research by Linqia, Twitter ranks as the sixth-best social media platform for marketers to run influencer campaigns. The most used platforms are Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.

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We call accounts with specific criteria as Fake followers which are inactiveaccounts and do not engage with your Twitter account anymore. These fake Twitteraccounts should not have to be humans, they could be created by some trollengines, spammers, and bots. Even they follow you on Twitter, they …
hiring Twitter influencers

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook rank above because they are also the most popular social platforms with 1 billion and 2 billion monthly users respectively. Apart from the number of users, high engagement on the platforms also makes them the most desirable choice for marketing.

Influencer marketing on Twitter could be fruitful too because 93% of Twitter users follow brands to purchase from them. Also, 80% of Twitter users are affluent millennials making Twitter a good platform to advertise. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of hiring Twitter influencers to better understand Twitter for launching influencer campaigns.

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Pros of Hiring Twitter Influencers:

  • Increased Conversions and Sales:

40% of Twitter users say that they have directly made a purchase as a direct result of a tweet from an influencer. Twitter influencers can have a strong affinity in converting their followers because of the close connection that followers develop on Twitter.

  • Gain Exposure and Reach a Newer Audience:

A Twitter influencer @robbyjayala promoted HP laptops and his tweet earned more than 22,000 retweets. A correct influencer can bring your brand quick traffic and attention of the masses.

  • Become Famous Quickly:

If something goes viral on Twitter, it easily gains traction on other social media platforms and media. Partnering with influencers who can create viral-worthy content that can be beneficial for your brand in the long-term.

  • Cost-effective Influencer Campaigns:

While Instagram influencers are charging thousands of dollars per sponsored post, influencers on Twitter are cost-effective and more affordable. As the platform is still developing as an influencer platform, influencers charge nominal fees for promotion on Twitter.

How to know your Twitter followers insights
Being unfollowed on Twitter is a common thing on the platform. While manyTwitter accounts would follow you, there would be many unfollowing you too.Sometimes, you should be okay with the unfollowers as it’s beyond your control.But, if your unfollower ratio is high, it’s important to know who unfo…

Cons of Hiring Twitter Influencers:

  • Harder to find Ideal influencers:

Finding Twitter influencers can be rather hard if you try using search filters on Twitter as you will get millions of results. Rather, businesses can use Circleboom to find Twitter influencers easily.

Twitter influencers

With Circleboom, you can find your influencers by filtering by keywords, follower numbers, tweets, location, and language. You can use Circleboom’s free plan to use their smart search feature and look for your ideal influencers.

  • Difficult to trust Influencer’s Credibility:

As buying Twitter followers is an easy task, knowing influencer’s real engagement can be complicated. Using the right Twitter audit tools can help you know if influencer’s engagement is genuine or not.

Remove Inactive Twitter Accounts in 2 steps!
Twitter has been influenced by bots [/healthy-alternative-twitter-follow-bot/] for such a long time that it’s hard to know how many Twitter users are real. I’msure if anyone of you will perform a Twitter audit[/fake-followers-twitter-audit/] right now, you will be shocked by the number offake an…

Final Words:

Believe it or not, influencer marketing is here to stay. If you have an active audience on Twitter, then hiring influencers on Twitter could be highly beneficial for you. Leverage the big opportunity of collaborating with influencers to multiply your sales and grow your brand.

If you have any questions regarding the article, you can let me know in the comments below. We would also be happy to hear your experiences with Twitter influencers.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.