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See who follows you & who doesn't follow you back: Twitter Follow Check

See who follows you & who doesn't follow you back: Twitter Follow Check

. 7 min read

Do you want to learn how to do a Twitter follow check to monitor who you follow and who doesn't follow you back? You've come to the exact place to find out!

If you want to boost your Twitter followers, you should make your profile more appealing. Having a solid follower/following ratio is one of the most important aspects of growing your audience.

We highly recommend you do a Twitter follow check to track who has unfollowed you and who has not followed you back so that you may unfollow them to improve your ratio.

If you want to grow your Twitter following, keep in mind that first impressions are crucial. And people make their initial impressions based on your profile image, bio information, and the number of followers and followers.

We're all eager to learn who doesn't follow us back on Twitter. But it is not easy to find out the old-fashioned way. If you decide to do a Twitter follow check the old-fashioned way, you need to look for every Twitter account you follow one by one in your followers' list.

How to remove inactive Twitter accounts in 2021
There are lots of inactive users on Twitter. Inactive Twitter accounts are created but not used. So, why don’t you remove inactive Twitter accounts?

So, as Circleboom, we're here to help you save time and fulfill your curiosity with a simple Twitter follow-check method.

How to see who follows you on Twitter?

You can always do a Twitter follow check on your Twitter profile to see who follows you. All you need to do is go to your profile and open your followers list.

But unfortunately, Twitter doesn't provide any filtering or sorting options to quickly do a Twitter follow check for specific accounts. So, you need to go over your list to find out if someone is following you. Or, you can visit their Twitter profile and check if they follow you, as there is an information box next to their username.

It is quite a work to do a Twitter follow check on Twitter itself.
It is quite a work to do a Twitter follow check on Twitter itself.

This method can cost you a lot of time and effort if you have many followers. Luckily, with the ultimate Twitter management tool, Circleboom Twitter, you can easily do a Twitter follow check with its sort, filter, and search options.

Below, you can see the step-by-step guide to do a Twitter follow check with Circleboom Twitter to find out who follows you on Twitter.

Step #1: Log in to your Circleboom Twitter account.

If you don't have a Circleboom Twitter account, you can easily sign in for a new one by clicking "Create an Account."

Step #2: Open the left-hand menu and select the "Search" option.

As you click it, a dropdown menu will open. Here, select "All My Followers."

You can detect overactive and inactive Twitter accounts, fake and spam users, eggheads, and non-followers with a simple Twitter follow check on Circleboom Twitter

Step #3: In a couple of seconds, Circleboom Twitter will export your followers' list for you to do a Twitter follower check.

Here, you can search for a username or a keyword to quickly find a Twitter user with the help of the search bar.

We also have a hands-on video that you can follow all these steps with:

Who doesn't follow me back on Twitter?

The fundamental reason for an unappealing following/follower ratio is that Twitter accounts don't follow you back. And, it is hard to find out who doesn't follow you on Twitter itself as you need to check every user.

As you can expect, it's a lot of effort — particularly if you have a lot of followers. On the other hand, Circleboom Twitter offers you a straightforward method to do a Twitter follow check with only a few clicks. You can follow the guide below for a Twitter follow check to find out who doesn't follow you back on Twitter.

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter.

If you don't have a Circleboom Twitter account, click "Create an Account" to sign in.

Step #2: Find and click the "The Circle" option on the left-hand menu.

Then, select the "Not Following Back" menu.

Step #3: In a few seconds, Circleboom Twitter will provide you with a list of non-followers.

You can use the search bar to do a Twitter follow check for a specific account.

Also, you can sort the non-followers according to their tweet count, Twitter sign-in date, number of friends and followers, and last tweet date.

Pro Tip: If you want to unfollow some of these users but still want to get updates, you can create a Twitter list with Circleboom Twitter and then unfollow them to ameliorate your following/followers ratio. To learn more, please check our blog "Hide who you follow on Twitter."

You can also follow these steps through our video tutorial:

Bonus Feature: How to check if someone follows someone on Twitter?

As you want to do a Twitter follow check for yourself, you might want to do a Twitter follow check for other Twitter users. As you might guess, it is quite a work to scroll down other users' following lists to find a specific account.

But again, Circleboom Twitter is here to help you! Not only can you do a Twitter follow check for your account, but you can also check someone's followers on Twitter with only a few clicks.

Circleboom Twitter's Search Tool makes it possible to export a Twitter user's following list in seconds. Then, you can search for specific users using the free text search feature.

Below, you can find the step-by-step guide to do a Twitter follow check for other users with Circleboom Twitter.

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter.

If you don't already have a Circleboom Twitter account, choose "Create an account" to get started.

Step #2: From the left-hand navigation menu, locate and pick the "Search" option.

A drop down menu will display as you click it; pick "Account Search" from the menu.

Circleboom Twitter's The Search tool makes it possible to see if someone follows someone on Twitter with a few clicks

Step #3: Click "Display Friends" to see the user's Twitter following list. You can also select "Display Followers" to see who follows that person.

After that, type the Twitter account's username into the search bar.

Step #4: Tick the relevant box to send inactive people to the end of the list if you don't need them on these lists.

Click "Show Friends" or "Show Followers" after you're done.

Circleboom Twitter offers a smart and easy way to do a Twitter follow check for other Twitter accounts.

Step #5: After the lists are ready, you can search for a specific account using the keyword search bar.

Using the filtering tools at the top of the panel, you do a Twitter follow check without eggheads, inactive accounts, or private users.

Our hands-on video to find out someone else's followers on Twitter:

It is common to wonder about who follows you and who doesn't follow you back on Twitter. Sometimes, it can be only because of personal curiosity, or sometimes your reasons can be more business-wise. As the following/follower ratio is a game-changer to boost your Twitter profile, you need to watch who doesn't follow you back on Twitter.

Unfortunately, a Twitter follow check is not something easy to do on Twitter itself. You need to check every user on your list one by one to see if they follow you in return. If you have hundreds of friends on Twitter, it may take hours to complete your list.

Circleboom Twitter iOS App

You're in good hands with Circleboom!

Even though many third-party tools help you do a Twitter follow check, you need to be careful about your options because of privacy and security concerns.

With these questions in mind, we strongly suggest you check Circleboom Twitter. This ultimate Twitter management tool is preferred by many international companies like Netflix, Soundcloud, Unicef, Bayer, and many more.

Zeynep Morelli

Digital marketer & social media enthusiast focusing on content and brand marketing.