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What is a mutual on Twitter​?

What is a mutual on Twitter​?

. 4 min read

If you're just after answering the question, "What is a mutual on Twitter?", then keep on reading.

But if you'd like to skip reading the article and start managing your Twitter mutuals right on, Click the button below to log in and check.

Circleboom can analyze your mutual Twitter friends or Followers.

If you're still reading, now's the time to answer your question: A mutual on Twitter is an account that follows you and is also followed by you. It's a reciprocal relationship between two accounts on the platform, indicating a shared interest or connection.

When someone refers to their “Twitter mutuals”, they’re talking about the group of users with whom they have this two-way following relationship.

Why are Twitter mutuals important?

Your Twitter mutuals matter for a number of reasons:

  • Community building: Mutuals can help you build a stronger community of like-minded individuals. Thus, you can grow your personal or professional community around shared interests.

Who to Follow on Twitter? Find Twitter Accounts to Follow by Niche
Twitter has more than 336 million active users and finding the right Twitter accounts to follow in your niche could be a tedious task. Often, businesses and bloggers are looking to connect with accounts in their niche and have difficulty finding who to follow on Twitter. Twitter Unfollow Tool by

  • Improved visibility: Mutuals can help amplify your content and increase your reach. Plus, tweets from mutuals may appear more often in your feed, also enhancing the chances of your tweets being seen in return.

What Are Tweet Impressions and How You Can Increase Them?
Tweet impressions refer to the number of times a tweet is displayed on someone’s timeline.

  • Increased engagement: Knowing that you might also return the favor, mutuals can be more likely to interact with your content, such as liking, retweeting, or commenting.

Twitter Tweet Engagement Rate Calculator
Boost your Twitter visibility and influence by understanding and improving your engagement rates. Calculate your Twitter tweet engagement rate!

How to find mutuals on Twitter

You can actually check your Twitter mutuals natively on Twitter. Just click on your followers list and see if the users you follow back have the “Follows you” tag.

However, if you have a large follower base, detecting or managing them manually can be too time-consuming.

And that's where Circleboom Twitter comes in.

With Circleboom, you can directly see all your Twitter mutuals with a few clicks. But it also shows you who's not following back, who followed you and who unfollowed you.

Such a powerhouse makes it a lot more convenient to manage your Twitter mutuals.

Check Twitter mutuals with Circleboom

Here's a step by step explanation of how to check your Twitter mutuals with Circleboom:

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter and authorize your Twitter account to connect with the platform.

You can easily register if you're not a Circleboomer yet.

Step #2: Navigate to the left menu and find the "Followings" tab.

Then select "X Mutuals" from the dropdown menu.

Step #3: You'll now have all your Twitter mutuals listed before you.

If you'd like, you can add them to Twitter lists, unfollow them, or export them for further examination.

BONUS: Tips for managing your Twitter mutuals network

Building a meaningful Twitter mutuals network takes time, but these strategies can help speed up the process.

Engage authentically with new followers: When someone follows you, check out their profile and content. If they seem like a good fit, follow back and interact with their posts to initiate a connection.

Join Twitter Communities and Spaces: Twitter Communities and Spaces are fantastic ways to connect with users who share your interests. Join conversations or start your own to attract like-minded followers who may become mutuals.

Tweet and retweet content relevant to your niche: The more you tweet about topics of interest to your desired network, the more likely you are to attract followers who share those interests.

Use hashtags and tag relevant accounts: Use hashtags that are popular in your niche and tag influential users when appropriate. This can make your content more visible to potential mutuals.

Respond to DMs and replies: Building mutuals means fostering genuine connections, so take time to respond to messages and comments on your tweets. This shows you’re an active, engaged user worth following back.

Use Circleboom to get more mutuals: With the help of Circleboom's Twitter search tool and Twitter follow tool, you can easily find and bulk follow Twitter accounts that are likely to follow you back.


Mutuals on Twitter are more than just followers; they’re part of a network that actively engages with and supports your content.

By fostering genuine connections and using tools like Circleboom, you can build a valuable community of mutuals that enrich your Twitter experience.

Whether you're on Twitter for personal interests or professional networking, a solid group of mutuals can make your time on the platform more rewarding.

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.