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How to mass delete tweets based on popularity!

. 4 min read
If you don't need a step-by-step explanation of how to mass delete tweets based on popularity, and directly want to jump into action, you can start using Circleboom's tweet deleter.

As Circleboom is an Official Partner of X (Twitter), it's safe and easy to mass delete unpopular tweets with it.

On Twitter, popularity (or engagement) is calculated by the likes and retweets you receive. So, if you want to delete tweets based on popularity, you probably want to mass delete all your tweets with below a number of likes and retweets.

Well, is that possible? With Circleboom, Yes it is!

For example, you may want to keep your tweets with more than 2 likes. This means you want to delete all your tweets with only one or no likes. Some can apply for retweets as well.

Let's find out how to utilize Circleboom to mass delete tweets based on popularity, which means like, and retweet count!

USEFUL TIP: Not sure how popular your tweets are? Try using this free Twitter engagement rate calculator: ⤵️
Twitter/X Tweet Engagement Calculator - For Free
Twitter/X Tweet Engagement Calculator - For Free can help you benchmark your performance and set realistic goals. By aiming for higher engagement, you can increase your visibility and influence on the platform.

Mass Delete Tweets Based on Popularity with Circleboom

You should follow these steps and mass delete all your tweets based on popularity with Circleboom:

Step#1: Log in to Circleboom Twitter.

If you don't have a Circleboom account yet, let's get yours instantly!

If it's your first time and you haven't connected your Twitter account to Circleboom yet, it will take only a few seconds to go on.

Step#2: You are on the dashboard! Navigate to the left and find "My Tweets".

Then, you should click on the "Delete all my Tweets" option. You don't have any 3,200 or other limits to delete your tweets in bulk! You can delete more than 3,200 tweets with Circleboom.

Step#3: If you want to see and mass delete all your tweets, you should download your Twitter archive and then upload your tweet.js file.

Do not worry! Circleboom is here to help you!

You can easily drag and drop your tweet.js file that comes with your Twitter Archive files.

Step#4: Voila! All your tweets (retweets and replies included) are listed here. There are no limits; if you have more than 3,200 tweets, they will show up here, and you can mass delete them with one click!

Plus, you can apply filters to your tweets and delete them selectively if you wish! For example, you can delete tweets by their like, and retweet counts, as you see in the picture now.

Also, you can find and mass delete tweets by date, keywords, hashtags, and languages. A very easy way to find and erase tweets, right?

Last but not least, you can delete or keep tweets with media on Circleboom. Also, you can only delete tweets without media! All options are available here!

Step#5: In this example, I wanted to delete all my tweets with only one or zero likes and retweets.

In this case, it is 776 tweets.

Step#6: When you are done, click on the red button "Delete my Tweets".

Then you see another page asking for the last time if you want to delete your tweets.

That's it! You now know how to mass delete tweets based on popularity. You can keep tweets with fewer likes and retweets and keep more popular ones!

Final Words

Maintaining a clean and relevant timeline is crucial; every tweet contributes to your digital footprint. Through the detailed walkthrough, we've explored how leveraging Circleboom's robust features enables you to streamline your Twitter presence by mass deleting tweets based on their popularity, measured by likes and retweet counts.

This strategic curation helps present a refined persona to your audience and align your content with your current brand message or personal ethos. Remember, the tweets you keep or remove should resonate with the narrative you wish to portray on this dynamic platform. As we conclude, it's clear that with tools like Circleboom, managing your digital narrative is not just about looking back—it's about moving forward with a thoughtfully sculpted social media presence that truly represents who you are or what your brand stands for in the ever-evolving Twitterverse.

Altug Altug

I focus on developing strategies for digital marketing, content management, and social media. A part-time gamer! Feel free to ask questions via [email protected] or X (@altug_seo)