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How to delete more than 3,200 tweets at once? Solved!

. 8 min read

Do you want to have a fresh start on Twitter but don't know how to deal with Twitter's restrictions? The good news here! You can delete more than 3,200 tweets at once.

I'm sure you already noticed or learned the hard way that Twitter allows neither bulk tweet delete. This means that having a fresh start on Twitter means deleting hundreds or maybe thousands of accounts one by one.

This is a severe disadvantage because there may be lots of reasons why we want to delete our tweets or likes, and so on. After all, our minds change as time goes by.

Especially on a platform like Twitter, where we're free to express our opinions, mass tweet deletion is a must for all of us because most of the time, we don't even notice that we posted things previously that we don't agree with anymore.

All in all, "the only thing that is constant is change itself." Ergo, from time to time, we need a fresh start on Twitter. But we also have to find a way around Twitter's restrictions.

Otherwise, we have to find all the tweets, retweets, likes, etc., and delete them one by one.

What a nightmare!

However, some reputable third-party tools allow you to bulk delete all of your past tweets so you can start with a blank slate. And Circleboom Twitter is by far the best tool on the list.

Circleboom - Twitter Cleaner

Delete more than 3,200 tweets with Circleboom!


Using the amazing features that Circleboom Twitter offers, you can delete all your tweets, retweets, likes, replies, media, and all your Twitter archive.

This way, you can delete all your tweets older than a year, and even you can remove your tweets from Google search results.

This is a big deal because even if you delete your old tweets, they may show up on search results page.

How to delete tweets from Google search results
Twitter History Archive contains all of your tweets, retweets, likes, replies, and media from the first second you created your Twitter account. So, if you can delete your Twitter archive, you can delete tweets from Google search.

So, with Circleboom Twitter at your side, there is no problem with deleting all your tweets, whether be they older than one year or too much to handle manually. It allows filtering and deleting tweets by date.

You can also specify the time interval to delete your tweets or likes in bulk. Other notable features you can use while bulk deleting all your tweets are filtered by keyword and language options.

If you want to hear more about these last two options, you can check the article here:

The Ultimate Guide to Clean Your Twitter Account (in 2022)
Use Circleboom Twitter and quickly get rid of followers, delete old tweets, retweets, and likes (including those posted longer than one year ago), erase Twitter archive, and so on.

Now that we talked about the energy & time saving features of Circleboom Twitter, there's only one question left. And it is "how to use Circleboom Twitter to delete more than 3,200 tweets, retweets, or likes."

Even though Twitter enables users to delete their past tweets, the question is whether to delete or not to delete in mass!

The following sections explain how Circleboom Twitter creates magic and saves you via mass deleting more than 3,200 tweets of yours.

Down we go!

How to delete tweets more than 3,200 Tweets

You don't need to scroll down to find your tweets! You can enter the date or a keyword mentioned in the tweet, and Circleboom will list all your searched tweets.

As always, Circleboom offers here a short-cut solution. All you need is to download your Twitter archive and upload it to Circleboom Twitter.

I assume you already visited the help page above, successfully downloaded your Twitter archive, and finally uploaded it to Circleboom Twitter.

If so, let's see altogether how to use the tool to delete your Tweets by date, language, and any keyword. Take the following steps and mass delete your tweets.

Use the Twitter Archive Module to overcome the 3,200 limit

Delete more than 3,200 tweets using any other tool but Circleboom Twitter is highly difficult.

However, it's easy & peasy with Circleboom's "Twitter Archive Module." So, next time you think if it's possible to delete more than 3,200 tweets, make sure that it's possible to delete with Circleboom Twitter.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step #1: Log in to the Circleboom dashboard. It is pretty simple to log in with your Twitter account.

Circleboom Twitter

You can delete all your tweets, retweets, likes, mentions, replies, Twitter archive and remove your followers.

Try Circleboom Twitter Now

Step #2: You are on the dashboard! Navigate to the left and find "My Tweets".

Then you should click on the "Delete all my Tweets" option. You don't have any 3,200 or other limits to delete your tweets in bulk! You can delete more than 3,200 tweets with Circleboom.

Step #3: If you want to see and mass delete all your tweets, you should download your Twitter archive and then upload your tweet.js file.

Do not worry! Circleboom is here to help you!

You can easily drag and drop your tweet.js file that comes with your Twitter Archive files.

Step #4: Voila! All your tweets (retweets and replies included) are listed here. There are no limits. If you have more than 3,200 tweets, they will show up here, and you can mass delete them with one click!

Plus, you can apply filters to your tweets and delete them selectively if you wish! For example, you can delete tweets by their like and retweet counts as you see in the picture now.

Also, you can find and mass delete tweets by date, keywords, hashtags, and languages. A very easy way to find and erase tweets, right?

Last but not least, you can delete or keep tweets with media on Circleboom. Also, you can only delete tweets without media! All options are available here!

Step #5: When you are done, click on the red button "Delete my Tweets".

Then you see another page asking for the last time if you want to delete your tweets.

Here is a hands-on video guide to find out more about the "Delete Twitter Archive" module:

Having shown how you can use Circleboom Twitter to delete your tweet automatically, here is how you can remove your Tweets manually on Twitter (in case you want to take the longer path).

Up we go!

How to manually delete Tweets on Twitter

Step #1: Sign in to your Twitter account.

Step #2: Go to your Twitter menu on the left and click “Profile” and "Tweets" to see your Tweet list.

Twitter Profile

Step #3: Twitter will directly show "Tweets" on your profile. Scroll down the list to select the Tweets you want to remove. Just click on the three dots and "Delete" the Tweets as you move along.

Tweet Example

Scrolling through your profile, you can delete your old Tweets one by one. Despite being pretty tiresome and boring, manual deleting is still an option. You can follow the steps above to clean your Twitter account manually.

Wrapping up:

You're probably feeling like it was so easy to pile all those followers, retweets, likes, and all on your Twitter. Now, you have a big pile of old tweets that you don't resonate with anymore and want to do a full-fledged spring cleaning?

The bad news is that Twitter doesn't let you do this mass follower cleaning. It allows only one by one tweet, retweet, or like delete!

Plus, it's even more severe if you want to reach your old tweets (i.e., older than year). It's nearly impossible to scroll through thousands of old tweets and delete them manually.

Life is too short anyway to bother yourself with this tedious job! So, let's nuke all tweets at once!

Nevertheless, you have an excellent tool at your side for these annoying tasks. Circleboom Twitter tool gives you a hand to save yourself from this trouble forever.

Using the tool, you can mass remove or delete all your followers, tweets, replies, mentions, etc.. Or, the tool shows the default classification groups to sort your followers.

You can apply the default filters to classify your tweets by different characteristics like language and keywords.

You can filter tweets posted in a specific time interval and delete only them. Just upload your Twitter archive to Circleboom Publish. The tool then displays the default options to sort your tweets and retweets.

Finally, I'd like to remark that you can delete all your tweets, likes, retweets, and followers on your iPhone. Users can enjoy the convenience of cleaning their Twitter accounts by using Circleboom Twitter’s iOS app.

So, if you want a fresh start and delete all your tweets, likes, retweets, etc. on your mobile devices, Circleboom Twitter is at your service!

Circleboom Twitter iOS App

What's still the best thing about Circleboom Twitter is its quite affordable plans. There is no need to spend a fortune on your Twitter management. Keep calm and enjoy the advantages of the unique and convenient features of Circleboom!

Circleboom Publish is also used and trusted by various big companies, like NETFLIX and NBC. So, make sure that your accounts are safe here and stay with us!

Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia