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Mass Unfollow on Twitter with Chrome/Browser Extension

. 4 min read
Update: Mass follow/unfollow activities have been labeled as spam activity by Twitter. Circleboom, on the other hand, provides a better solution for it: check who unfollowed you on Twitter. If you check and unfollow them via Circleboom, this will be a safer and healthier way to clean up your Twitter profile!

Have you been looking for the best way to remove your Twitter followers? Getting rid of unnecessary accounts that crowd your Twitter feed is often the best strategy to clean up your social profile. The good news is that removing Twitter followers is easy at the disposal of many Twitter tools and extensions.

Mass unfollowing Twitter accounts seems like the best option because just one click and you are sorted. The bad news is that even though it’s an easy process, it’s not a recommended process. Let me explain this in detail.

Why should you not Mass/Bulk Unfollow Twitter Accounts?

Twitter has been publicly opposing mass unfollowing since 2013. Even after transforming into X under Elon Musk, this policy has been kept in place. They have clearly stated that no third-party apps should be allowing mass unfollowing or bulk unfollowing from their accounts. Given their statements and rules, nonetheless, there have been extensions and apps developed that allow this process.

Because of this, Twitter has developed a very solid algorithm to curb this spammy behavior.  If automated activity on your account violates the Twitter Rules or these automation rules, Twitter may take action on your account, including filtering your Tweets from search results, shadowbanning your account, or even suspending it.

Twitter Shadowban Test
Decode Twitter Shadowban: duration, fixes, testing tools, lift techniques. Your ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming Twitter’s shadowban.

If you don’t follow or unfollow hundreds of accounts in a single day, and you aren’t using automated methods of following accounts, you should be fine. Due to the regulations mentioned above, bulk follows, and bulk unfollows are prohibited in all Twitter ecosystems, whether you use Twitter’s own applications or a third-party app.

So, the problem is that if Twitter detects your activity of mass unfollowing, consider all your hard work behind growing your Twitter account gone.

How can you Unfollow Twitter Accounts?

You can safely use Circleboom to help you remove your Twitter followers because the tool has been made keeping in mind all the Twitter rules. Circleboom does not permit any aggressive or mass unfollowing within the tool, thus saving you from any suspension or ban from Twitter.

Being cautious with Twitter is a smart plan because Twitter has been actively closing down accounts that violate its policies. Millions of accounts have been shut down by Twitter and since it’s an automated process, chances are you will lose your account forever.

Circleboom has a simple listing system that lets you find accounts that are not following you back on Twitter! With Circleboom, you have to click on each visit button individually and complete the unfollowing action on Twitter because that’s how they comply with Twitter policies. Because Circleboom has a fast fetching time, they can fetch followers of huge accounts with more than 250,000 followers in less than a few minutes.

Hence, I suggest using Circleboom rather than extensions to mass unfollow your Twitter accounts. Here is a step-by-step process on Circleboom to list those accounts that are not following you back on Twitter:

#1: Go to Circleboom Twitter and login.

If you don't have a Circleboom account yet, you can have one immediately!

#2: Now, let's authorize Circleboom with your Twitter account.

Your Twitter account will be linked to the Circleboom dashboard in seconds.

#3: After you've signed in, navigate to the "Friends" tab on the left menu.

Click on "Not Following Back" to see who is not following you back on Twitter.

#4: Now, you can see who did not follow you back or who is not following you back at the moment!

You can also set up an unfollower alert for it.

Try Circleboom

Using Circleboom is an extremely simple and efficient way to unfollow on Twitter. I again advise you to refrain from all the tools that promise mass unfollowing because you might end up wasting a lot more hours saving a few minutes of hard work. In fact, other than unfollowing, you can also use Circleboom to conduct advanced searches to find accounts to follow.

You can clean your Twitter account safely and quickly with Circleboom at affordable prices.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.