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Twitter Follower Tracker: Unmask your Twitter circle in seconds!

. 9 min read

Discover the secrets to tracking your Twitter followers effortlessly and maximizing your social media strategy today!

Your Twitter followers say a lot about you! You can also analyze another Twitter profile by searching its followers and analyzing important metrics.

Tracking your Twitter followers is more than just a numbers game; it's a pivotal aspect of understanding your audience engagement and maximizing your social media impact. With precise Twitter follower tracking, you gain insights into your audience's preferences, behaviors, and the impact of your content strategies. By leveraging robust tracking tools and analytics, you can delve deeper into follower demographics, engagement metrics, and the performance of your tweets, enabling you to refine your content and tailor it for better resonance with your audience.

Here is a list of the best Twitter follower trackers:

  • Circleboom
  • X Analytics
  • Hootsuite
  • Brandwatch
  • Sociality
  • Twitonomy
  • Keyhole

Accurate follower tracking on Twitter allows you to pinpoint what content resonates best with your audience, aiding in the optimization of your social media strategy. Understanding follower growth trends, identifying peaks in engagement, and monitoring fluctuations empower you to adapt and create more compelling, targeted content. Moreover, it offers the opportunity to engage in meaningful interactions, foster connections, and build a community around your brand or message.

Using a Twitter follower tracker consists of two steps:

Step 1: How Often and When? This step entails comprehending how your follower count fluctuates and how frequently you gain or lose followers.

Step 2: Who Are They? This step would entail tracking down the accounts that have followed or left your Twitter account.

Why should you monitor the growth of your Twitter followers?

We are presenting you with the best Twitter follower tracker, so keep going!

Tracking Twitter follower analytics daily can help you determine:

  • How many followers do you get and lose each day? You can track the follower growth of your Twitter profile.
  • Which of your tweets or kinds of tweets help you gain followers?
  • Is there a specific day when you gain or lose more followers?
  • By studying the pattern, you can find the tweet frequencies and content that work best for your profile.

How to keep track of followers on Twitter?

Circleboom, a complete Twitter management tool, can help you learn how your followers are growing.

It provides detailed Twitter analytics, including information on your tweet performance, audience demographics, follower growth, and follower characteristics.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using Circleboom to discover your Twitter circle and track Twitter followers over time.

Step #1: Go to Circleboom Twitter and log in.

If you don't have a Circleboom account yet, get one in seconds!

Step #2: After logging in, authorize and link your Twitter account to the Circleboom dashboard.

Circleboom Twitter will complete the process in a matter of seconds, nothing more!

Step #3: On the left menu, you can find the "Followers" tab and then "All My Followers".

You can check your followers and learn how many of them are verified, fake, or inactive. There are many filters that you can apply to your follower list.

Get more details about your Twitter followers with sophisticated filters.

Step #4: What you can learn about your Twitter followers with Circleboom is not limited to that. You can, for example, track your follower growth over on Twitter with Circleboom thanks to the nice-looking graphics it provides.

All you need to do is to go over "User Analytics" and then click on "Follower Growth".

You can find more valuable insights about your followers on Circleboom. For example, you can find the gender distribution of your Twitter followers.

In addition to that, you can find the location of your Twitter followers with Circleboom. You can easily map your followers!

Bonus Feature I: Find out Twitter Follower characteristics with Circleboom, including Gender and Language!

Go to “Followers characteristics” under “User Analytics” to see how many real and fake followers you have.

In terms of Twitter follower analytics, you will also learn whether these followers are active or inactive, talkative or not and whether they are regular or verified accounts.

By going to the User Analytics menu and selecting “Friend’s characteristics,” you can get similar information on your friends.

Find out your human and fake followers, who are active, verified and more.
  • To find out the gender of your Twitter followers, go to the User Analytics/Gender Stats tab in Circleboom. If you have gender statistics, you can personalize your Twitter marketing strategy to your followers’ gender. Hence, it will be a breeze to adjust tweets to your targeted audience.
Even though Twitter itself does not provide data on gender, you can find Twitter followers' gender with Circleboom.

Twitter Interest Cloud

Utilizing Circleboom’s Twitter Interest Cloud, you can learn about the interests of your followers. You can easily create public relations or marketing strategies based on the preferences of your target audience this way.

Interest Cloud compiles data from your followers’ bios and tens of thousands of tweets in an up-to-date database then uses a dynamic graph to show you how your friends and followers think and tweet.

As a result, you will quickly see which keywords your target market uses.

Don't you wanna learn what you are Twitter followers are interested in? Here you can have it!

Discover the Best Time to Tweet on Twitter with Circleboom

Do you have any idea when your followers are online? If you want to get more engagement on Twitter, you will need to figure out when the best time is to post.

Choosing the best time to tweet is also important for a successful Twitter campaign.

Circleboom intelligently analyzes all of your followers’ Twitter activities through their tweeting times to determine the best time to tweet and presents you with this information in the form of a smart graph.

Learning the best time to Tweet will bring you more engagement, and eventually more followers.

Track your Twitter stats

Circleboom Tweet Stats makes it simple to get your daily, weekly, and monthly tweet statistics.

As a result, you will have a better chance of staying on track with your Twitter ad campaigns in the future.

Twitter stats feature enables you to get a better understanding of your Tweets.

All of this is displayed in smart graphs, which allow you to track the distribution of your tweets over time.

Get your Tweet performance under control with one click!

You can also get another graphic:

Export your followers and friends

You can follow the steps below to export the following list for Twitter and keep your account on track.

Step #1: Log in to your Circleboom Twitter account.

If you don't have a Circleboom Twitter account, you can easily create one by clicking "Create an Account."

Circleboom Twitter

Step #2: Open the left-hand menu, and click the "The Circle" option. It is a "circle" sign.

When you navigate on it, a menu will open. On this menu, find and select "All Your Friends."

All Your Friends

Step #3: After you click, Circleboom will list all your Twitter friends (following).

Then you can click on the "Export" option on the top-right and get the list to download.


If you want to search for a specific account, you can use the keyword search bar.

Also, you can use "filter options" to narrow down your list. You can view your inactive, overactive, spammy, egghead friends. Plus, you can get a list of verified friends if you want.

Moreover, you can filter your friends by their following & follower numbers. In addition to this, you can filter them by their Twitter join date.

Filter your Twitter friends

Once you list them, you can create a Twitter list and add them in bulk on the same dashboard! All you need to do is make your selection by checking the box next to the accounts you wish to add to your list.

Once you are done, click "Add to Twitter List."

You can create a brand-new list or add these accounts to an existing Twitter list.

Step #4: Circleboom will create your friends list. On it, you will have their id numbers, followers & friends count, locations, tweet numbers, Twitter list numbers, verification status, join dates, etc.

Once you click on the "Export" button, you will download and export your Twitter following list.

Export All Your Friends

How to export followers list on Twitter

Besides your friends who you follow and follow you in return, most likely you follow some users who don't follow you back. It is essential to keep track of these accounts as they determine your follower/following ratio.

If you want to grow your Twitter following, first impressions are crucial. People tend to form their initial impressions based on your profile image, bio information, and the follower/following ratio.

With Circleboom Twitter, you can export followers list on Twitter and take control of this vital ratio by managing the accounts that don't follow you back.

We have prepared a simple guide to export the followers list on Twitter and keep things neat with Circleboom.

Step #1: Log in to your Circleboom Twitter account.

If you don't already have a Circleboom Twitter account, click "Create an Account" to get started.

Circleboom Twitter

Step #2: Navigate to the left menu and find the "Search" tab.

Here you will find the "All My Followers" option.

All My Followers

Step #3: After you click on it, Circleboom will list all your Twitter followers.

Click on the "Export" button at the top right to download your followers' list!

Twitter followers

If you want to search for a specific account, you can use the keyword search bar.

Also, you can use "filter options" to narrow down your list. You can view your inactive, overactive, spammy, egghead friends. Plus, you can get a list of verified friends if you want.

Moreover, you can filter your followers by their following & follower numbers. In addition to this, you can filter them by their Twitter join date.

Filter your Twitter followers

Step #4: Once you click on the "Export" button, you will view all your Twitter followers.

On your followers' list,  you will have their ID numbers, followers & friends count, locations, tweet numbers, Twitter list numbers, verification status, join dates, etc.

Again click on the blue "Export" button, and download your Twitter followers into a CSV file.

Bonus Feature II: Manage Your Tweets in one place (delete, unlike, etc.)

Circleboom is the best app for keeping track of all of your tweets and likes. This powerful search engine can help you find and delete your tweets individually or all at once.

You can unlike multiple tweets at the same time using this method. It allows you to delete your previous tweets individually or in bulk. You also have full control over your Twitter History Archive and can delete it in a matter of seconds.

My Tweets

It is not easy to find and benefit from an all-in-one Twitter follower tracker.

Circleboom would be an excellent choice if you are looking for a well-designed and effective Twitter management service.

Wrap Up

You can find the best information to relate to your Twitter account using Circleboom User Analytics for Twitter.

Analyzing your metrics will assist you in determining how to formulate your tweets and interact with your followers.

You can get more Twitter followers with less effort and money using Circleboom’s fully automated and simple-to-use interface.

If you use Circleboom, you can take advantage of its other useful features, such as the Circleboom publish tool, which allows you to schedule tweets and other social media posts.

Many businesses and non-profits, including BBC, Netflix, and the Red Cross, use Circleboom as their primary Twitter management tool.

Explore Circleboom for more information about our many advanced features!

Circleboom Twitter iOS App

Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia