Twitter Management Tools: After Updated Twitter Policies

Over the years, Twitter has only gotten stricter with their Twitter unfollow policies as a measure to curb aggressive behavior on the platform.

As of 10th March 2020, Twitter announced that they’ve reviewed each third-party app associated and revoked access to over 144,000 apps that did not meet the guidelines in the last six months.

Specifically, we’ve:
* reviewed over 1M developer applications for API access, of which we approved 75%
* taken a more proactive approach to improving the health of our developer platform by continuing to remove bad actors, which resulted in over 144,000 app suspensions during the last six months

As you may remember, in 2019, Twitter decided to cut API access to three Twitter unfollow tools and issued a statement:

“We have suspended these three apps for having repeatedly violated our API rules related to aggressive following & follow churn. As a part of our commitment to building a healthy service, we remain focused on rapidly curbing spam and abuse originating from the use of Twitter’s APIs.”

To further substantiate what Twitter exactly means by following churn, here’s the official definition:

“Aggressive follow churn is when an account repeatedly follows and then unfollows a large number of accounts. This may be done to get lots of people to notice them, to circumvent a Twitter limit, or to change their follower-to-following ratio. These behaviors negatively impact the Twitter experience for other people, are common spam tactics, and may lead to account suspension.”

Such policies still are in place with Twitter API V2, after the transformation of the platform into X under Elon Musk.

The policy and API updates by Twitter have led many reliable Twitter tools to permanently remove the unfollowing feature from their platform. This has then led Twitter users to look for viable alternatives without many results.

As finding the right Twitter unfollow tool is important, it’s also important for any Twitter user to protect their account from Twitter suspension. Many prevailing tools that still offer unlimited unfollow options may put your Twitter account at risk.

In this article, we will look at what qualifies as a reliable Twitter unfollow tool and how to unfollow after updated Twitter policies.

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What Qualifies As A Reliable Twitter Unfollow Tool?

Before you go ahead and connect your Twitter account to any Twitter unfollow tool, look for the following characteristics to check its reliability:

  • Every reliable Twitter tool will use Twitter authentication to log in without asking for a password or username. If the third-party apps ask for your Twitter username or password, then you must refrain from using it.
  • A Twitter-compliant tool should not allow follow-unfollow on the platform.
  • Some Twitter tools allow automatically adding followers/ buying followers/ selling free followers. Twitter prohibits such third-party apps. Reliable Twitter tools do not allow the buying or selling of followers.
  • Any Twitter tool that allows prohibited automated actions like automated DMs or automated follow/unfollow is a definite no-no. If you want to trust an app in the long term, make sure they do not offer any unpermitted automation features.
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If you come across a Twitter management tool that’s safe and compliant as per the points above, then you should not hesitate to use it.

The Best Tool To Manage Twitter Account

Given the circumstances, your Twitter account is safest if you unfollow each Twitter account from the Twitter app itself and don’t make a follow churn. To protect your Twitter account and prevent any potential account suspension, we recommend you use Twitter. But if you need to see your Twitter analytics then you can use Circleboom. Circleboom is fully safe and compliant with Twitter's rules of service.

You can do many things with Circleboom Twitter, including but not limited to;

Circleboom Twitter

Circleboom enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their Twitter accounts.


Final Words:

Keeping your Twitter running, secure, and safe with Twitter’s newest rules and API changes is the best way forward in the long-term. Circleboom has passed every Twitter test and has stayed ahead in strictly keeping up with all the Twitter policies.

You can also use Circleboom's mobile app to manage your Twitter account comprehensively.