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What's the best way to find all Twitter users who list their locations in a particular city?

. 6 min read

Starting a new business is always an exciting venture. A few months ago, I began managing the social media accounts for a boutique coffee shop in New York City. I knew that getting the word out was crucial for the shop's success. I decided that connecting with locals on Twitter would be a great way to promote the coffee shop.

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The idea seemed simple enough: find Twitter users in New York who were interested in coffee, engage with them, and attract them to our shop. I was excited and confident that this would be straightforward. After all, how hard could it be to find people based on their location and interest in coffee? Little did I know, this seemingly simple task would turn into a challenging quest. But, like every good story, there was a twist, and I eventually found a solution that made everything so much easier.

The problem with finding Twitter/X users in a particular city

My first attempt was to manually search through Twitter bios and tweets. I typed in "coffee" and "New York" and scrolled through endless profiles and tweets. This method was incredibly time-consuming and yielded minimal results.

I then tried Twitter’s advanced search, hoping it would be more efficient. It helped a little but was still not accurate enough. I even researched and tried various other tools and techniques, but nothing worked effectively.

Each search method was either too slow, returned incomplete data, or overwhelmed me with irrelevant information. I started to feel frustrated and wondered if there was any efficient way to achieve my goal.

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Discovering a tool to find Twitter users in a particular city

Just when I was about to give up, a friend recommended Circleboom Twitter. They mentioned how it had helped them in a similar situation. Skeptical but desperate, I decided to give it a try. I wasn't sure if it would work, but I had nothing to lose.

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You can use Twitter as a great way to connect with people and businesses in your target market if you utilize Twitter location search.

What is Circleboom Twitter?

Circleboom Twitter is a comprehensive Twitter management tool designed to help users organize, manage, and optimize their Twitter accounts. It offers a range of features that make it easy to delete old tweets, manage followers, and improve overall account performance. Some of its key features include:

These features make Circleboom Twitter an invaluable tool for anyone looking to clean up their Twitter account and start fresh without losing their followers and other important account settings.

Search influencers by location with Circleboom

Local influencer search by Circleboom

Signing up for Circleboom Twitter was a breeze. The interface was user-friendly, and I felt optimistic right away. I followed the steps to set the location filter to New York and the keyword filter to "coffee." Surprisingly, Circleboom quickly and accurately found relevant users who tweeted about coffee in New York. It was like a lightbulb moment—I finally found the tool to solve my problem efficiently.

Here’s the Step-by-Step Guide to Find All Twitter Users That List Their Location in a Particular City?

Step #1: Log in to your Circleboom Twitter and connect your account.

You and your Twitter profile are safe with Circleboom!

Step #2: Navigate to the left menu and click “Smart Search” under the “Search” tab.

You will proceed to the advanced search tab.

Step #3: Then, type in your keyword and pick the engagement levels of the influencers you'd like to find.

Let's stick with the example of Coffee.

Step #4: Now's the time for adding location filters.

You can also work with many other search filters, including verification status, follower count, join date, etc.

Once you're done, you'll have the accounts listed before you. You can sort them by popularity, inspect other metrics, and visit their Twitter profiles to contact them.

You can also add them to your Twitter lists or export these accounts as a CSV file.

You can also see a global view of your Twitter audience's geographical distribution with Circleboom Twitter.

Results and Impact

The results were impressive. I found many Twitter users in New York who were also coffee enthusiasts. The quality of the connections I made was top-notch. The time I saved compared to my previous methods was remarkable. This tool improved my efficiency and enhanced my engagement with the local community. I could now focus more on promoting the coffee shop rather than wasting hours searching for potential customers.

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In summary, what started as a daunting task became a smooth process thanks to Circleboom Twitter. If you’re struggling to find Twitter users in a specific location based on their interests, I highly recommend trying Circleboom Twitter. It’s a game-changer. Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions in the comments section below—I’d love to hear from you!

Circleboom Twitter

Circleboom enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their Twitter accounts.


Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content. [email protected]

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